Do I have Weird Skin?


Well-known member
I feel like the only girl on earth with skin like the one I have! I'm acne prone, but Im not oily. I'm more combination. If I use products for Acne, they don't take care of the problem, they either make it worse or dry me out so badly my face literally hurts! Right now that the weather is changing my skin is very flaky and tight, but last summer is got so oily and clogged and bumpy! Gross! Should I go to a derm? I thought my skin issues ended ten years ago when I was 15, but now here I am again and this time, it's majorly bothersome! Ouch!


Well-known member
You should go to a dermo, it sounds like topical treatments aren't going to help you a lot; a dermo can really help by giving you pills that will get rid of the acne. HTH!


Well-known member
I have very similar skin (its so stubburn) - the only thing that helped any bit at all was a strict cleansing regime and I also saw a derm temporarily as well as my family doctor.

I was given Accutane for 3 months and after that I stuck with a cleansing ritual that consisted of using a Salicylic Acid gel and a Benzoyl Peroxide wash and a spot treatment.

I also started using Mario Badescu Drying Cream on actual break outs or bumps. And now instead of the Accutane, I take Minocycline to help with the infections (pustules or cystic acne). Its a pain in the butt and can cost a lot, but it worked wonders.


Well-known member
yes i would take a trip to the derm. at least that way you will get something that will suit you and they may even be able to explain why these things are heppening to your skin. good luck


Well-known member
Your skin sounds like mine. After 2 wks of using Proactiv, it literally hurt to wet my face with water!! I thought I had acne, but turns out I was using products too harsh for my skin, and the sensitvity manifested into breakouts and/or rashes. As soon I switched to more soothing products (nothing geared toward acne) my skin found its own balance, and fairly quickly. I am combination skin too, but I use products geared more towards normal-to-dry (winter) or normal/very slightly oily (summer).

You should look into the book by Dr. Leslie Baumann "The Skin Type Solution". That might help you towards the right regimen for you. She recommends things based on a long questionnaire (like a skin personality test), so its personalized.

Anyway, I agree with the Derm visit, but this might be a cheaper option to try...