Do topics purge? Is there a time limit for threads, etc?


Well-known member
I'm just asking because my sale thread in the For Sale/Swap forum was deleted. Was I accidentally breaking a rule or something? I was hoping a mod or admin could help me figure out what happened to my topic.


Well-known member
I was able to find it by going through all of my posts and bumping it... but it was kind of a hassle, and my question still stands about what happens to the topics. I promise I'm not crazy... it really was gone from the forum.


Edit: An example would be that my Want ad is missing right now... I could go through my posts to find it, but I'm leaving it for now so the admin/mods can see what I'm talking about. Is this a glitch?


Well-known member
We did lose some data when the database was moved. We do not purge topics right now, but when we switch forum software in order to keep the database a more manageable size (and therefore less hassle to move around) we will begin pruning old topics.


Well-known member
Thanks for explaining Janice...