Do you buy products because of greed or need?

This has always made me wonder.

Do you buy certain makeup collections/products because it's more based on greed [ just wanting ] more than it's what you need [ generally will get the most out of the product ]

I know in the past I have ended up buying products because I thought I needed but it was more of a wanting situation and I've never picked it up again.


Well-known member
the majority of the time i buy because of what i feel i need - however what i feel i need is very different to sombody elses 'need'. to me it's buying a colour which i don't already have, a new product or even just replenishing what i have! i have only bought through greed a couple of times and have generally regretted it. now i'm much more controlled! for example this month i only got 3 products from in the groove - usually i get much more!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LaaLaaMonroe
This has always made me wonder.

Do you buy certain makeup collections/products because it's more based on greed [ just wanting ] more than it's what you need [ generally will get the most out of the product ]

For me, I think it's a bit of both: I'll see something, think it will look great on me, and buy it.
Sometimes, it turns out to be similar to something I already own, and it will be put in "rotation," and used only occasionally.
Other times, it will look really great on me, and I'll use it like crazy, and possibly even buy a backup, but then the novelty will eventually wear off, and the product will get only occasional use.
As I read what I just typed, I realize that about 99% of the time, I buy just for the "rush" of getting something new. That's not exactly smart shopping.
Good grief, I have a Bachelor of Science degree, and I consider myself an intelligent, rational person, but it's pretty clear that I've unconsciously bought into the myth that there is that one "magical" product out there that will do wonders for me, and make me happy.

I think there are just enough products on the market that *do* suit me wonderfully, and have a significant positive impact on my appearance to keep me going, in search of the next one.
For example, I recently bought Bobbi Brown eyeshadow in "Heather," and I was thrilled at the way it applied so smoothly and beautifully, and it made my bright green eyes POP!
I've worn it a few times, and people have said, "Oh, your eyes; your eyes!" and told me I look pretty.
I briefly found myself thinking, "I'll want to wear this all the time; maybe I should buy another one right away!"
Fortunately, the part of my brain that has the college degree said, "Whoa, there! That's a huge pan of a permanent product, and besides, people have always told you that you have beautiful eyes, eyeshadow or no eyeshadow!"
Once I see a glimmer of pan, though, I don't know ...


Well-known member
I think I definately buy into the hype, especially if I know it'll be one of those highly anticipated items - like Ripe Peach, Marine Life or Stereo Rose. Its something that you can say, "I have that"....and its rare, hard to find, and especially Limited Edition.

Its rough on the purse though. I bought into collections like crazy until recently. I've found it really hard to hold back. With some of the MAC items, its like...I KNOW I can dupe it with something cheaper....but in the back of my mind, I'm like, ITS MAC THOUGH! Its like it doesn't even matter if theres a dupe out there for $1 -- its the name.

Horrible, I know. But like sports cars, people don't buy them for the way they run, the gas mileage, or the interior...they buy into the name. The prestige.


Well-known member
for me - its greed - there is deffo nothing I need anymore - i have everything but I am addicted cos i get really stressed if I cant spend money on it. It is ridiculous really and I do really need to stop ...


Well-known member
I guess I would be greed, i buy alot on impulse. I also suffer from clincal depression and I find buying cosmetics when i'm down makes me feel better (probabaly sounds silly to some people), does that make it need or greed?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Junkie
With some of the MAC items, its like...I KNOW I can dupe it with something cheaper....but in the back of my mind, I'm like, ITS MAC THOUGH! Its like it doesn't even matter if theres a dupe out there for $1 -- its the name.

I have actually almost convinced myself that this kind of behavior is somehow noble.
I mean, I've bought several Revlon, Avon, NYX, or Jane shadows, and though I like them, I almost never touch them, because I, in my makeup snobbery, prefer to use my "higher-end" MAC, Stila, Bobbi Brown, or Urban Decay shadows, because they're "quality."
I know, I know; they may all be exactly the same thing, and even come from the same place, but I've been able to convince myself that it's better to spend my money only on certain brands.
Never mind that I may have half a dozen "higher end" shadows that are all very close to being the same shade of taupe; as long as they're "quality," that's not a waste of money.
Sound familiar to anyone else?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lindas1983
I also suffer from clincal depression and I find buying cosmetics when i'm down makes me feel better (probabaly sounds silly to some people), does that make it need or greed?

Shoot; that comes dangerously close to qualifying as therapy!
It's a matter best discussed with a health care professional, but in my opinion, as long as your cosmetics buying is not having a detrimental effect on the quality of your life, like making it impossible for you to escape in case of fire, or you're spending so much on makeup that you can't buy food or insulin, an occasional indulgence is fine.


Well-known member
I'm going to say greed for me. I'm not at a point where I "need" anything for decorating myself- makeup, clothes, accessories, etc. I have all my favorite colors and all my usual uses are met. I'm sure my priorities will change in the future or something will pop up that's actually an addition to what I own. But for now, I'm saving money for a much bigger lust, so everything else is put on hold.


Well-known member
I think I can safely say I have more than enough makeup to last me for a very, very long time, so none of what I buy these days is out of necessity. I've gotten to the point where I'm mainly just focusing on using up what I already have (especially products that don't have a long shelf life). I do still buy, but it's only for the pleasure of it, and I do have to remind myself of that from time to time!


Well-known member
Honestly before this damn recession, I was dropping money on shit that didn't even look good on me. I would buy it just to have every color. A lot has changed since then . I haven't spend money on Mac in about 9 months. It feels good. I still have the same love for Mac, but I'm not going to sleep hurngry just so ican buy lavender whip. I m not greedy like that anymore


Well-known member
Ha, I wish I had the money to be greedy in the first place!

When it comes to shopping in general, I usually have an idea of what product I need before I actually go out to buy it. I'm still trying to build my makeup collection but I'm sure once I get to that point where I have all my essentials, we'll see how greedy I can be.


Well-known member
For me it's greed. Though I am missing many essentials, :p I tend to buy things that I love, but never wear, and skip the boring everyday items that I would probably use :p.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I do both. I agree with Lou though. What is a need for me is prob ridiculous for someone else. I don't buy into the hype; I did not even look at Marine Life, Ripe Peach... I do buy colours that I know I will wear and will enjoy. I have been collecting makeup for a while so hype doesn't affect me much. But I buy stuff when I "feel like it", lol!


Well-known member
Definitely greed. I've referred to myself as a makeup glutton before. LOL. There's just no logical reason for me to have as much makeup as I do and I haven't used half of it!! Now I'm on a no buy. I don't even have the urge to buy anything.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
I do both. I agree with Lou though. What is a need for me is prob ridiculous for someone else. I don't buy into the hype; I did not even look at Marine Life, Ripe Peach... I do buy colours that I know I will wear and will enjoy. I have been collecting makeup for a while so hype doesn't affect me much. But I buy stuff when I "feel like it", lol!

yup i try not getting into the hype either. i have ripe peach because it looks nice on me. ML i knew i wouldn't be bothered with and that i only wanted it because it looked pretty so skipped!


Well-known member
I don't get into hype. I only buy products if I like them - sometimes, it's not even a need that I've to buy them. I just feel like ... spending money. I know, it's bad! *lol*


Well-known member
i usually buy based on need but have a real bad habit of feeling i "need" almost everything. i buy based on what will make me look better, regardless of what others hype.

i'm still kinda bitter about missing out on marine life- but i am happier that i bought ripe peach. the nice thing is that in the end it's just cosmetics.


Well-known member
Greed. No one NEEDS makeup (believe me, that would sound like fighting words to me too if I didn't understand the obsession completely
). It's not food or shelter.