Do you even feel you're just cursed with bad luck? (Rant)...


Well-known member
I just looked in my wallet and found out that the last bit of money I own (or rather owned - €150) has been stolen out of it, and more than that, I know by whom, and therefore I know that I can't get it back.
Or rather, I'm assuming I know. I don't want to say anything definite but every logical conclusion points to her - MAC that's left in the bathroom does not get flushed down the toilet by accident or stolen by my boyfriend's father and brother, my clothes are not eaten by the dog.

My boyfriend's sister has a nasty habit of somehow being around in the situation every missing thing I own, and I've dealt with it up until now. I can't take this money being stolen off me, I have no income, and I have no support system that can lend me any. I'd taken it out of the bank to pay off someone I know on Saturday, and was planning to do it tomorrow, apart from when I looked in my wallet I found nothing.

I know there is no way it could have fallen out, as I had placed it wrapped around a bank card, with a receipt wrapped around both of them, in a zippered pocket, inside my zippered wallet. I distinctly remember doing it, and so does my boyfriend.

I know she took it, because I left my bag downstairs when me and my boyfriend went up to bed, and she was downstairs getting stoned with her friends. (She's 14, and is infuriatingly habitual in bringing around her drunken friends to my boyfriends house on the weekends and using it as a crash pad.)
My wallet was also in my zippered bag. This morning as I was getting ready to leave, I noticed my wallet was missing. We found it after 10 minutes of looking, it was right in the middle underneath one of his couches (they're huggge, you can't reach to the middle with your hand.) I know from the past that it's a great hiding place as you will not be able to find anything underneath there unless you lift up the couch.
Either way, I thought I might have accidentally kicked it underneath and kind of let it slip.
I literally just burst into tears when I found out it had been taken, because I honestly have no idea what to do.

I called my boyfriend and he's furious and going to call her in the morning... but this has happened before to me, with my makeup/clothes/whatever, and I've never gotten anything back, because his sister is the only girl in the lot of siblings, therefore treated as a darling. His mother already dislikes me because I had the nerve to question her daughter as to maybe she'd taken one of my jackets back by mistake.

I really need some advice right now, as I feel really distressed and have no idea what to do.
I have a history of drug/alcohol abuse and I've been clean for a few months, but things like this keep happening to me over and over again and it's so hard not to slip back, and more than that I really don't want to ;( I ended up drinking on the weekend because I was so stressed out over money, and now I'm even more stressed. I have exactly €4 to my name now.

Sometimes I just feel like I'm cursed with bad luck, because most things that I want to turn out right explode in my face. I'm not being melodramatic, because I know so many nice and beautiful things have happened to me in my life, it's just over the past year and a half everything is just... ridiculously unlucky, and stressful, and horrible.

Has anyone been in this kind of situation before? I'd really appreciate some advice on how to deal with it, I have no idea what steps to take, and I know I will not be able to get my money back. ;(


Well-known member
OMG I have never been in that situation...But I would be mad as HELL!!! I used to think that sometimes if it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all...But I always managed to overcome the obstacles so I try to not think that I have this curse lingering over me....I am so sorry this happened to you...Have you looked everywhere possible? I know you have but I would be frantic..I would go thru everything she owns....literally...everything


Well-known member
I haven't been in a situation like this before but when you know she is coming around i would hide my purse , and lock my closet door so she doesn't steal. Better yet even though she is your boyfriends sister, i wouldn't let her come in my house unless my eye was on her 24/7. As far as the alcohol and drugs go just know, that if you resort back to those even more problems will occur. Be strong and you can get through it! Hope some one can help you out, God bless


Well-known member
if i were you, i would make your boyfriend go to his mother and find the money that this girl took. if she doesn't have it, obviously one of her friends does. therefore, she is responsible for paying you back. if she doesn't have the money, her parents should pay you back. it's BS, and i would tell my boyfriend that she is not allowed over anymore until she comes up with that money.
better yet, why is a 14-year-old getting stoned? i say blackmail her. tell her to return the money, no matter who took it, and if she doesn't you'll tell her mother she was getting stoned. haha. but i'm mean like that.


Well-known member
The past 2 yrs have been such a crazy ride for me. I've been through some crazy stuff. I never let it get to me though. I always try to think positive. I have my family, my man, my health. Things have to eventually get better. Like rosalie1915 said going back to old habbits isn't going to make things any better. Focus on moving forward not backwards. Keep ur head up girl <3

ps; hide all YOUR stuff around this chic!


Well-known member
I don't think this has anything to do with you having bad luck, just a nasty little girl who hangs around!

I think you're perfectly within your right to ask to have her banned from your bfs house until the money is returned to you.


Well-known member
Wow, that is so RUDE! I mean does she not understand you work hard for that money?

I'm vindictive so I'd just start "permanently borrowing" stuff of hers and when she begins to complain I'd just say something like "Oh, I thought it was ok seeing as you do that with my stuff?"

She's 14 so she clearly knows the difference between right and wrong and going on what you've said is only doing it because she knows she will get away with it.


Well-known member
Yes, sometimes life can be a bitch. I’ve had more than my fair share of bad luck this past couple of years with one thing after another and sometimes can’t see an end to it. In your case I don’t think you are having bad luck...

I think you need to keep an eye on everything you have which is of value to you, don't leave anything lying around and always make sure your bag is with you at all times. If you left your money in your bag downstairs when she was there it could well be something to do with her or one of her friends, unfortunately you need some proof. You have got to ask yourself where are 14 year old's getting money from to get stoned in the first place? Confront them about it with your boyfriend there as well. Say it in a non-accusatory way, explaining what has happened and what kind of position it has left you in, and then say if anything like this happens again, you will have no other option except reporting it to the police.

Finally, this is entirely up to you, but maybe you should think hard about the kind of people you are associating with and the impact this has on your life and happiness. Stay strong and whatever happens don’t fall back into old patterns. I wish you well and hope everything works out for you.


Well-known member
this sounds really bad for you hun, but things will get better... it doesnt sound like it can get much worse..

as for the money, u cant prove it was his sister, could have been one of her friends, but chances are she knew about it, it should be her responsibility to get it back/give it back to you

does her mum know she's out getting stoned at 14? blackmail her, say you want the money back or u'll tell her mum
i would also, tell the mum anyway, even if u do get the money back, and explain that she also stole from you to possibly get more!

you cant afford to be binging on alcohol/drugs, so dont look onto that as a solution or your money worries will just get worse, be strong!


Well-known member
I have only one solution for this type of situation. This is war. ^_~

I agree with Tish, don't let it get you back to your old self-destructive habits. However, if it comes down to it, blackmail is a very effective part of personal warfare. She has a lot more to lose from her mom knowing about her getting stoned than you do. The best part about it is that evidence of drug use remains in the system for many months, even if you do it once, so evidence is not hard to conjure. You cannot lie to a medical professional about drug use.


Well-known member
Aside from telling her parents about her getting high, I'd also write something really nasty about her, with all kinds of mean, terrible words, and put it on a piece of paper inside your wallet or purse (make sure any valuable stuff is stashed somewhere else). She can't say anything to you about it, or she's admitting she's a thief...or at least was trying to be one. ...but that's just me, and I'm a mean, mean girl...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ForgetRegret
Aside from telling her parents about her getting high, I'd also write something really nasty about her, with all kinds of mean, terrible words, and put it on a piece of paper inside your wallet or purse (make sure any valuable stuff is stashed somewhere else). She can't say anything to you about it, or she's admitting she's a thief...or at least was trying to be one. ...but that's just me, and I'm a mean, mean girl...

that my friend, is genius


Well-known member
oh dear, this is awful! what a rotten little girl. I don't understand how some spoiled little girl can think she has the right to go into your things and take them! it just boggles my mind. But unfortunatly, some people think the world owes them. I true and firmly believe in karma. And if you do too, you know she will get whats coming to her in a big way.

I know what its like to worry about money, but dont let that get in the way of your sobreity. It's so easy to relapse and undo all your hard work, but its not worth it. Money isnt worth it. Makeup isnt worth it. Nothing is worth that.
Stay strong. Money comes and goes. Your bf seems like a good guy. I'm sure he;ll help you through this, even if his sister is doing the damage.

You two obviously need to have a chat about her coming about on the weekends. Maybe he should let mum know what her angel is doing at his house?

When you do find you have spare cash, i would get a small lockable chest/traincase or something to keep your valuables in. Ie; wallet, cell phone, ipod, makeup, whatever. And maybe your bf should consider putting a lock on his bedroom door (if she continues to come around), so you can leave your clothes in there.

Sure, she's stealing from you now, but it could easily be him next.