Do You Ever Feel Like You Can't Do It Anymore


Well-known member
I posted this thread because I just wanted to know some of what other makeup addicts had to say. For the last couple of months, I've been into MAC way into it, and I'm not going to lie I can bust out a nice FOTD when I want one..but do you guys ever feel like after a while you haven't put makeup feel like you can't put makeup on? You know like you forgot how to get that perfect eyeliner or perfect blending..I don't know what's going on with me, but I don't apply makeup everyday and I feel the last time I've done my makeup it's turn out like crap always its happen to me 4 times already..I just don't know what to do...


Well-known member
ugggh I feel like that now!
I am trying to do this look that is in my head, but it's just not coming out right. Sometimes I go through days where my makeup is this shiz, and then there are days when I'm like WTF!!!
Just keep trying, I'd like to think it's kinda like riding a bike

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
I've been feeling like that for a while. My friends envy my MAC collection, I want it all I'm just not motivated right now.


Well-known member
No, but I'm not into MAC hardcore right now either. All last year I was, but since the newer collections have come out, the interest hasn't been there for me. Still do it all occasionally though, just not as often.


Well-known member
Yea well I did a HK Look from Lucky Tom today ( I was going to Disneyland) and I did it with the tape uggh one side was longer than the other and I was like wtf..why do you do this now when all the other times have been perfect..but the blending look like crap so I took it off and just did mac eyes were so watery and scratchy that the eyeliner would be disappearing man I was having a bad day..I'm good with makeup its just been lately I'm sucking so I'll buy some more makeup to make me feel better lol


Well-known member
i feel like that alot too! sometimes i go through phases where i wear a ton of eye makeup and it always looks amazing, but then i go through phases where i like a more natural look for a few months and when i try to do extreme stuff again it looks like crap! i think it's just practice makes perfect.. you get out practice and it takes a couple tries to remember it. don't worry, it happens to all of us!


Well-known member
It's a little bit like if you say a word often enough, it starts to sound really weird. If I concentrate too much on what I'm doing my makeup, it just starts to look weird to me and I start to think I must be doing it wrong! What also annoys me is when I do a look one day and think it's very nice, then I will try to repeat it with the same products a month later and it looks like crap. I don't know if it's the lighting or what, but it frustrates me!


Well-known member
I definitely have my phases... most of January I didn't wear makeup. Sometimes I just hate putting forth the effort... but then I feel guilty because I have all this stuff sitting there not being used.


Well-known member
Yes, I have felt like that many times! I go in cycles where I am doing super cute, different makeup everyday, then other times I just wear as little as possible. It's normal, don't worry. Sometimes just switching products like a new eyeliner or something can help, but I wouldn't stress- I'm sure you look beautiful w/o a drop of makeup anyways!


Well-known member
Thanks abby.. youre so sweet..yeah I might need to do some changes or something but honestly the last time I did my makeup, Ill make sure I get 8 hours of sleep before hand, when i wasnt sleeping my nerves were going becuase of disneyland hence waking up and being tired and stuff my eyes were being crap..


Well-known member
i'm a bit like that sometimes! some days my make up will look spot on! i'll plan it the night before and it'll work out great! other days i'll have no inspiration and what i do end up doing looks poo!
so don't stress - it happens to us all!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
yeah that happens to me too. Most of the times it's inspiration as opposed to application issues though. Usually, I can come up with great colour combination but there are times my brain is just dead! And the more frustrated I get about it the less productive I get :/