do you ever redo the same look?


Well-known member
do you ever redo the same looks with like a certain combination of clothes or something?

or if for example you have uniform to school/work, do you wear the same color combos often?

just wondering. if so, please list! i'd like to know. :]

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
If I use a palette then I'll use the same colours even if I'm using some extra colours not in there.

One of my favourites is gold mode pigment underneath cocomotion on the lid, plus by jupiter MES in the crease and outer v plus smoking from the smoking eyes quad around the edge of the outer v and lower lashes. For a highlight I'll use next to nothing from the same palette.


Well-known member
I love wearing jeans all the time...and I guess by wearing my fave jeans over and over again, I'm kinda redoing the same look hehe.


Well-known member
i do have a few staple natural looks i use a lot. it's too much bother to get made up every day for me at the moment.

when i'm experimenting with a look (i may not wear it out), i'll often try it a few times to try and perfect it or the techniques i need to make it work.


Well-known member
I don't do drastic things like dying my hair neon pink, but I do like to vary a bit here and there. I will have long hair and get sick of it. Then, I will have short hair and tire of it. As far as makeup, I get bored with the same lines. So, I have a variety and I keep switching brands.

Clothes.... hmmmm. I like some trends, but I base them if they like me.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Yes, because I only have so many pieces of clothing and I wear things more than once

In terms of makeup, I sometimes find combinations I like and will repeat them, like I enjoy wearing coppery colors with grays.


Well-known member
I don't do the same looks. I have so many colours that I haven't even touched! I definitely buy more than I use lol. I do have some HG looks which includes a green look that uses juxt, nylon, swimming, and humid and my absolute favorite look using sweet sienna, your ladyship pigment, and knight divine or signed sealed. My boyfriend loves that look and so do I! It's my HG neutral colour look. As far as normal days in which I have to do neutral looks, I still play around with different neutral colour combos.