Do you get funny looks when you buy certain makeup?


Well-known member
Do any of you get funny looks whenever you are buying certain things, especially in certain shades? Have you ever been discouraged from buying something just the store attendant or makeup artist presumed (maybe wrongfully) that it wouldn't look good on you?

I remember one experience, walking into a MAC store, and I was going specifically for Hue Lipstick. The first MA who I encountered didn't really assist me so much as she peered over my shoulder to inform me that I shouldn't be wearing 'Hue'. Now, the first thing that came to mind was: "How does this person know who or what I am buying this lipstick for?" I kinda brushed off her remark by not acknowledging it. But then she followed me around the store as I was trying to browse the new collection, (and ruining my shopping experience I might add) all the while repeating that she doesn't think I would look good wearing 'Hue'. At this point, I can no longer block her out as that was obviously putting her off. I told her, "Don't concern yourself with my personal choice, if I need some help, I'll call for someone. Thanks." I thought it was very polite but yet strong. And this young lady was acting like I took a dump in her purse or something, LOL. She must have had a bad day, or woke up crabby.

But have any of you ladies (and gents) had an experience like that, when you were discouraged from buying something before you even had a chance to sample it, all because a store attendant thought you should not be wearing it? Do you think it's helpful in some cases, or do you think that it impinges on someone else's personal taste and style?


Well-known member
I got the same thing with 3N. The MUA looked at me really funny when I told him already had Hue and he had the nerve to recommend Chestnut with it.


Well-known member
Yes!! From a customer's standpoint, it's so annoying when MAs do that! No one should have to justify why they like/wear a certain color. It's all about personal preference, like you said.

When I run into that scenario, I usually just say, "It's for my makeup kit". Or if I'm feeling sassy, I'll jokingly say, "but I like this color. don't you want this sale?" Either way, it usually gets them to leave me be, lol.

Just my two cents


Well-known member
I was looking at comet blue (dazzleglass) and my friend gave me a weird look :s


Well-known member
What that MUA should have done is say "if you like that color, may I suggest___" in whatever nude that she thought was appropriate and if you still went with Hue, that would be on you, not follow you around the store and bug you. It must have been quiet in the store for her to be surrounding you.

I like it when the MUA say like maybe Haux might be chalky on your skin but you could try it and not think of their damn sales of you returning it because you probably would go back to them because they were right.


Well-known member
It has happened on occasion. I love how you handled that girl, though. That was Perfection!


Well-known member
wow. the nerve of people! That hasnt ever happened to me, usually when I go to MAC its either too crowded for them to give you that much attention or I go in and rattle off my list so fast that they dont have time to suggest anything.


Well-known member
It always happens the OTHER way round for me...talking me into buying things that I don't want or that i wasn't there to purchase in the first place. I kind of love them for that, cos it's nice to see people doing their job but if they push it too much it can be like "...okay, enough" lol


Well-known member
i was actually thinking about this the other day
like what if a makeup artist needed to stock up on a foundation shade and got one like 5 shades darker than them... the MA would probably think 'wtf' because most of them probably wont even ask if they are a makeup artist or whatever

ive never been in that situation though


Well-known member
i get it mainly from co-workers who are surprised that i buy so much make-up and the variety of colors. i tell them to just experiment and they too can pull it off.

as far as mua's go i usually tell them what i want and that i am not afraid of anything and feel i look good in anything (except red lips) and we go from there.
i do commend you for your response. if i was there i definitely would've been your cheering section. go on girl!


Well-known member
Some of your responses also got me thinking, many of us on here are real MAC aficionados, even makeup artists, or simply avid collectors. I don't think it's fair for attendants to assume that the customer is not knowledgeable about the product, especially if he/she picked up something that they don't agree with them wearing. I mean, it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but this tends to be a repeating occurrence at the store I go to in my area, so it gets tiring and I've avoided shopping there as often I would like.

Before when I was not into as much makeup a few years ago, I would have just walked away feeling bad. But now that I have more confidence in my choices and what's available, I am pretty stubborn about listening to a stranger's opinion.


Well-known member
I really hope I dont do this... cos my face is quite expressive - unintentionally, I swear! But a few times I have had ppl coming in to ask for shades that are like way too dark for them (in terms of founation/concealer) - like on Sat a blatent NW20 came and asked for a NC40 studio finish for undereye bags... I was like sorry, which shade? Erm... thats the shade I have on right now! But she was convinced and in the end bought it - even after trying it on her hand...

Another time, a girl wanted to buy her friend Pro longwear after saying her friend doesnt wear lipstick at all... I wasnt sure and she looked at my face and said 'u dont look convinced' - I like to be honest and said it might be too dry for her and recommended her VG5 ls instead.

But I would never have a prob with what colours in e/s or l/s ppl go for... there should be no boundaries with that IMO!

But omg... sorry you were followed around by that MA and had her opinion inflicted upon u!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
That happened to me once, but I wasn't picking out something for myself, but a friend. I was giving her ideas that she might like to try [she was looking for a shadow to use on her brows] and I picked up a few colors for her to look at. There was one in particular that she really liked so she was about to try it and the MA kept insisting "No, no. It's too red for her" wtf JUST LET HER TRY IT! If she likes it, she likes it. She said it about five freaking times. My friend could see that I was annoyed, she thought it was funny, but she was annoyed too. We were both really surprised that I didn't give her some words because I was very pregnant and very hormonal at the time. LOL


Well-known member
This happened to me once. I wanted to try on Hug Me lipstick, and she kept telling me I probably shouldn't try it because of the yellow tones in my skin
I ended up not trying it on that day because she said the same thing like 3 times and I gave up.

Later that day while I was still shopping, the same MA colormatched me alllllllllll wrong. OOOOkay.

I ended up getting Hug Me awhile isn't a bad shade on me, just hard to show up is all.


Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
This happened to me once. I wanted to try on Hug Me lipstick, and she kept telling me I probably shouldn't try it because of the yellow tones in my skin
I ended up not trying it on that day because she said the same thing like 3 times and I gave up.

I went through the exact same thing! I bought Hug Me anyway and it ended up being one of my all time favorite l/s.


New member
I've had a few of those experiences at MAC also. But the worst was actually in a Sephora here in Cali when Bare Escentuals was getting really popular. I walked in the store to color match and purchase the set, and the sales woman "informed" me that mineral foundations make black skin "ashy" and I should try a line that specializes in darker skin tones. Normally I am a straight to default person, but I was actually so shocked by her bluntness that I just laughed and went about my shopping. It ended up that the deeper tones were too DARK for my complexion... and not at all ashy.


Well-known member
That never happend to me. I know a lot of the MA's at the MAC counter I goto. They know what I like & i'm very verbal if I don't like something or my facial expressions says it all. LOL

I feel so bad this happed to you. But you handled yourself with class.
Try to get to know 1 MA. He or she will get to know your likes & dislikes.


Well-known member
well when i was younger i had a sort of un-amusing situation with a MA.. i was probably 13 or 14, walked up to the MAC counter looking for an eye shadow i had really liked the previous time i visited.. i was so in love with MAC cosmetics, even at such a young age, i viewed the MAs as these glamorous people who must live their entire lives with beautiful makeup and contoured eyes and perfectly applied false eye lashes.. well, this bitchy little MA walks herself over to where i'm standing, gives me a once-over, and sort of smirks.. "would you like me to do your eyes for you? our eyeliner is the blackest you can get anywhere" and i sort of laughed, oh, haha, yeah honey.. my t-shirt is black.. this must mean i want you to emo me out.. anyways.. i told her what i was looking for, and yeah she helped me but she did so with this sort of "i'm better than you" saunter and when she told me the total it looked like she expected me to pull a wadded up ball of 1s out of my pocket and be all shocked at "how expensive it is"

i HATE the MAs like that. now that i'm older, when i encounter MAs or for that matter anyone like that, i do not take the attitude. MAC is a fun place to be and shop, and just because you work there you do NOT shit stardust as some people seem to think.


Well-known member
Haha, I loved the way you handled the situation. I was discouraged about quite a few things at MAC lol. I was like dang ya'll, I just want to buy this stuff, lol. I was discouraged to buy Jellybabe lipgelee...even though it is a staple for MA was like, you'll look better in "moist", but thats not the look I was going for!! haha! In addition, I took my friend in there and the lady was matching her skintone to the foundation and said she was an NC40...we both looked at each other and in the mirror and the foundation shade was too light...the lady got a serious attitude b/c we corrected her...Comes to prove that my friend is an If i were to tell you the other occasions, I'll write a book! LOL. Other than MAC, no other counter has done that...what a shame, lol.