Do you hide your obsession?


Well-known member
LOL....I purposely rotate between 7 diff. mac counters and stores so that they don't think I'm a weirdo always checking out the new collections.


Well-known member
this made me laugh because I do the same!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamella
LOL....I purposely rotate between 7 diff. mac counters and stores so that they don't think I'm a weirdo always checking out the new collections.


as of recent i've been getting cps since i'm not near a counter/store, but when i'm back at home i'm always at the same freestanding because i love my MA. i have 4 freestandings all within 30 minutes in terms of distance and at least 8 counters that i can think off of the top of my head


Well-known member
the nordstrom counter down the street is the most convenient and the people there are so much nicer than the freestanding store, so i only like going to that one but i try SO HARD to stay away. LOL.

back home in CT, i've lost hope. every mac store/counter in hartford county knows me so well that they even recognize my mom when she goes in to buy stuff for herself ("OMG, is that your daughter?") and i haven't even lived there for like three years.


Well-known member
I rotate between 3 different stores. The MAC counter in Mobile, the MAC counter in Pesacola and the MAC Store in Baton Rouge. LMAO

Sometimes I will buy off the interent from Nordstroms or MAC Cosmetics.

After typing that out I just realized....I have a SERIOUS Problem! LOL


Well-known member
LOL i dont hide it all the MA's know it..ahaha..i had 2 at my house last night ..they were AMAZED..even more amazed at all my disc stuff


Well-known member
Haha - from some counters, yes. From the Pro store, no. From my friends and family - definitely. Especially from my SO. He hates it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bottleblack
i only have one in my city, so i don't really have a choice. i'm sure they think i'm psycho though.

I only have on too, but I don't go to the counter that often, because it's too out of the way(not that far out of the way, but i'm lazy..) to drive to it..which is a good thing for me. XD or else I'd be spending alot more money. hahah.


Well-known member
Not at Counters, because there are only two that I can possibly go to. Now some of the MAs know me at the counters and have commented that they know how much I have, lol... Plus I'm not taking classes this semester and the counters are the opposite way of my home. Now its weird when people in Ulta recognize you..... I have to get my urban decay fix occasionally too...


Well-known member
i don't go to a mac store or counter enough to hide it, but the cco ladies know who i am at 2 out of the 3 i have access to.
i DO hide it from my family because they think it's a bit crazy... i put stuff in my purse before i come in the house so they don't see it and start lecturing me.
this is sad because i'm 25 years old... ah, the joys of moving back home. haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cookie_monsta2504
I only have access to one MAC counter so tough luck for me haha... BTW wats an SO? lol *blushes*

significant other

The one that always throws me is DH (dear heart, dear husband)- because in Australia, DH is more likely to stand for a far less flattering term.


Well-known member
the sad thing is i tried to do this and when i went back to my counter they said where have you been?!? i thought you forgot about us! haahaha i told them that i have been going to the freestanding store! now thats when it's just not going to work! they already know i'm addicted and they dont care if i stay there for hours! i love them... but i'm stuck because i love the freestanding store as well!

i forgot i hide it from my mother because she hates it when i spend too much money and the BF because he thinks i'm crazy! they just dont understand!!!


Well-known member
I hide it from people around me. I'm embarrassed to show my makeup DUFFLE BAG (i dont have a traincase yet, sorry!) to people that I'm not super tight with. And I hide my MAC purchases in other bags so that my parents don't see.


Well-known member
I don't need to hide my habit... My bf knows I love make-up and that I wanna be a make-up artist so he encourages it LOL (yes I get to play with him
) and my moms just as nuts when it comes to cosmetics... the only thing is they won't buy me makeup coz they think I should buy what I want and them not have to guess what I have and what I don't have...


Well-known member
OMG i was thinking of starting a similar thread a few months ago when i caught myself going to the mac counter an hour away from me instead of 5 minutes away from me to "hide my obsession" from the SAs
but now the MAs in all 3 counters in my city know me by name/face anyway. thank goodness a mac store is FINALLY opening in june!


Well-known member
I can't hide my obsession. I got to be such a close and permanent person to some MA's at my stand that one of the guys just invited me to his wedding.


Active member
Oh man, I *always* have to hide my makeup purchases. My boyfriend thinks I'm nuts for buying so much makeup, and I don't want my parents to know exactly how much I've been splurging on my face lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by artemisa
I can't hide my obsession. I got to be such a close and permanent person to some MA's at my stand that one of the guys just invited me to his wedding.


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