Do you wipe off your lip products before eating?


Well-known member
I always feel like if I'm eating a meal, everything on my lips are inevitably going to get consumed, so usually I wipe off before eating. How about you guys?


Well-known member
Nope. I just let it wear off as I go. Sometimes I remember to try to be careful when I'm eating or drinking but most of the time I forget, it all wears off and I re-apply when I'm done.


Well-known member
i do every time, even if it's just chapstick. i can't handle it. when i'm rockin red lips people go "why are you taking off your lipstick?" and i tell them it's because i'm eating and they give me a weird look. i think it's weirder to leave it on!


Well-known member
Sometimes...depends on how made-up they are. I figure if its a bright colour, the more it'll end up smeared around my mouth (especially if its a sandwich or something). Or if they feel super glossy too. Most of the time I don't care, but it annoys me that I have to re-apply afterwards. Feels like a waste of product.


Well-known member
I always wipe it off.
Then I get to have fun and reapply!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShortnSassy
i do every time, even if it's just chapstick. i can't handle it. when i'm rockin red lips people go "why are you taking off your lipstick?" and i tell them it's because i'm eating and they give me a weird look. i think it's weirder to leave it on!

Me too!

Or I blot if I'm with clients or people I'm not that comfortable with.


Well-known member
I usually blot it off. And if I remember to reapply afterward, I would wash my mouth prior to that to decrease contamination.

BTW I think I read somewhere that the average woman unintentionally eats about 4 pounds of lipstick in her lifetime lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mizuki~
BTW I think I read somewhere that the average woman unintentionally eats about 4 pounds of lipstick in her lifetime lol

Interesting. MAC lipsticks smell so good, if I had to eat a lipstick, I'd choose MAC


Well-known member
If it's just my normal light colored lipstick, I don't do anything, but if I'm wearing something dark/bright or gloss, I will blot my lips before eating.


Well-known member
wow.. a topic I have not even considered. When I am hungry, I just eat -- lipstick/gloss or nada. If someone doesn't like it, they can look the other

I think a Fellini film showed a woman eating spaghetti -- with bright red ls on..(I was young and impressionable). I think that may have influenced my decision to not decide about removal or leaving on lipstick before a meal


Well-known member
I usually don't if it's just lipstick. If I'm wearing gloss I will blot prior to eating so it doesn't smear all over my face


Well-known member
If it's more than one product or is super thick/glossy I have to wipe it off beforehand because it kinda irks me thinking of gobbling my make-up down, haha.


Well-known member
The thought never occurred to me to do this, but I think I will start at least blotting some off first. More than a few times I've seen lipstick on my sandwich and thought "ew", but I never put 2 and 2 together, lol. DUH!!


Well-known member
I do. I read articles about lead in lipstick and all that. So I do wipe off lip stuff before I eat. Not that it's really helping much. I probably eat plenty lipgloss just throughout the day. But it makes me feel a little better.


Well-known member
Half the time its already worn off before i start eating but i can't stand having it on when i eat! Ewww today i had on a minty ELF gloss with a MAC lipstick and i could taste it as i ate my cream cheese bagel this morning. I was scrubbing at my lips because it tasted awful!!! I also can't eat without putting my hair up because it drives me nuts but thats a whole other issue!


Well-known member
Yes. It's weird to me to eat while wearing lipstick or lip gloss. We consume enough of it as is. I only keep my lippie on when drinking from a straw.