Double Trouble!


Well-known member
i'm kinda evil and don't love children, but honestly, those are two of the most beautiful girls i've ever seen. i love their eyes and their different eye colours!


Well-known member
omg! they're so cute.
nice makeup, too! love it!
I love that name, Peyton! It's a gorgeous, strong and cute name for a girl.

I think Peyton's makeup isn't bad though, it's a little silly but a little work with the blue and it would have contrasted beautifully with the red lips.

Your work is delicate, great! thanks so much


Well-known member
OMG I want twin girls too now lol. They are so adorable and gorgeous. And it´s funny how you can tell they feel so grown up with makeup on, they´re posing and all.
Good job on the makeup!

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
God they're sooooooooooo cute!!! I've always wanted to have twins, now I want to even more!!

And woman, you're stunning


Well-known member
Adorable. If I had a daughter I'd probably be doing that too once in a blue moon. I wouldn't let them go out in public like that but for fun, why the hell not! Beautiful kids you have.


Well-known member
Now they look like alteregos of each other. Like really an "evil!twin" versus the "angelic!twin". Haha. No offense k.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ~Coco~
So what do you do when you have a huge ragging storm outside and now wear to go? You put makeup on your 5 year old twins!

Don't worry, I washed it all off before bed. They had so much fun! They actually cleaned up their brothers bedroom and this was their reward! They always beg me to do it, so here it is...please keep in mind, it's very difficult to put makeup on a 5 year old, let alone two!
Reese was super easy to do, she is the first twin, hamming up to the camera, Payton the second twin, well her makeup is just a mess, she wanted blue eyeshadow and red lipstick(cringe..!) So she got it!




Twin #2 Payton




OMG!! your little girls are stunning!
you should enter them for modleing
so cute


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miztgral
Now they look like alteregos of each other. Like really an "evil!twin" versus the "angelic!twin". Haha. No offense k.

OMG that is so right on! Now for the million dollar question, can you guess which on is angelic and which is spirited(I like that word better!) I can see it in the eyes, to me it's so obvious, but I am their mother!