Dramatic eyes for a yellow dress? err?


Well-known member
Hey gals..for dinner tonight, I'm wearing a really pretty yellow summer dress that has some flowers on it (I swear...it doesn't look like a dress a tween would wear). Its cotton material.

I always had the problem with yellow where I feel like you have to wear natural colors with it to go well. What dramatic color combination would still be acceptable?


Well-known member
P.S...I'm Asian with NC30 skin. Here I am..



Well-known member
i think greens, blue, purples, or even some golds would look great with it! and you can always smoke up those colors.


Well-known member
Awesome...I'm leaning towards purple or green right now. I love blues but I need to venture out since that's all I ever do.


Well-known member
I'd go with an olive color.. something gold-ish too.. or a light orange-gold like the new Mega Rich pigment..


Well-known member
Purple or green would be gorgeous... PURPLE AND GOLD =) Oooh! You're so pretty, too, so I'm sure whatever you do will look good!


Well-known member
Thanks guys for the recs! I ended up using forest green pigment over delft paint pot for 3/4's of my eye, and the 1/4 I used purple pigment. It turned out pretty, but not as clean since I was in such a hurry. Ill post an FOTD later =)