Dress Khaki-LiquidLast


Well-known member

What eyeshadow combinations has anyone tried with this that looks really good? I'm not so used to wearing kind of lighter colored eyeliner...and sometimes I feel that my eyes look weird! but this color is amazing!

Eyeshadow combo recs that have been tried with it would be GREAT!



Well-known member
Hmm. I've worn it three times but I can't really remember what I used it with
I know I wore it once with Summerneutral & Olive Groove and that turned out really nice. I'll try to think of the others & post them!


Well-known member
^ thanks hon!

its just not as easy to PLAY with the liquidlasts since they stay on SO well! LOL...(i need to go get some eyemakeup remover...used the last of mine the other day! hehe)

i was thinking that perhaps Greensmoke or Golden Olive would look lovely with it...but what base colors to throw into the mix is giving me the issues. I dont want it to be too drab!



Well-known member
I've been wearing it with pinks. I am NW20 with hazel eyes and these colors together have been getting me lots of compliments. My eyes look really intense with Dress Khaki, In Living Pink and Stars and Rockets. Sometimes Swish and Summer Neutral too. I can't wear olive colors though (like the ones you mentioned) They look terrible on me. So pinks it is.


Well-known member
^ interesting! i honestly stay away from pinks on myself just because i have found that it seems to make my eyes look dead...and i even OWN a lot of pinks! LOL...i wind up using on clients or friends when I do their makeup.

I may have to try a combo with that though! when i'm playing around


Well-known member
Hmm, I haven't got it but being the boring gal that I am I'd definitely try it with Woodwinked, Velvet Moss, Sumptuous Olive, Sensualise. Perhaps even Twinks, Moth Brown, Botanical, Green Gamin.

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