Drug Addiction


Well-known member
I've never had to deal with that personally, but my first thoughts are make sure some trusted loved ones know the situation so that you feel accountable to them if you continue, talk to a doctor to see if there are any issues with your anti-depressant in conjunction with the addiction, or if there are any other medications that might be helpful while you are getting it under control, call an addiction hotline and explain your situation and see if they can come up with any good ideas about support groups or therapy, and I agree that cutting certain people out of your life is a good idea. Try to figure out all the situations and places where you would be tempted and avoid them.

My other comment is that is it pretty clear based on this and your previous and probably current issues with alcohol that you have a tendency to addiction, so avoid things that are potentially addictive. I would strongly encourage you to either get into therapy or get involved with a support group, it is very very hard to do this sort of thing by yourself. I definitely congratulate you on recognizing that this is a problem, and taking steps to fix it, it takes a lot of courage to do that.


Well-known member
I think you're definitely doing the right thing now, rather than when it becomes life-threatening or life-ruining. I would say definitely change jobs ASAP, and if necessary tell your friends why. If they really are friends, and some people who do drugs can also be friends and good people, they won't try to change your mind and they'll understand why you want to stop.

Just do the right thing for yourself and stick to your guns! And absolutely check out AA or NA. Hearing someone else's story will probably make you feel better.


Well-known member
I agree with the above. Telling your close friends and family members will allow them to help you with what you are dealing with. I think it is good that you're seperating yourself from those who are into those things. Like the above poster said it is very helpful to go through some sort of group therapy where others know what you are going through.
I wish you the best, and let us know how you are doing!


Well-known member
I agree with all the comments above, I think the desire to change/stop is the #1 most important thing, and it looks very much like you have that, since you're willing to go to great lengths to get help. Congrats on that! Aside from that, you definitely need a support group as you've mentioned you're doing. That will be vital. And if you ever need any additional support, I'm sure all of us on here would be happy to listen. Good luck with everything!


Well-known member
Girl knowing is half the battle. It sounds like you're doing what you can to help yourself. I have addiction in my family as well. I had a serious marijuana addiction in my 20's .. I have a cousin who happens to be a marine who was bad on coke for a while I have another relative who's addicted to gambling and a few others who are borderline alcoholics.

Some people are really prone to addiction. You have to know that this will be a life long battle but you're strong enough to fight it!

It's like sometimes we have these holes in our lives. these voids. addiction is our way of filling those voids. So you will eventually need to not only deal with your steps to recovery... but also start dealing with yourself. I went back to church. I now fill my void with work and motherhood. Find something else to emerse yourself into like working out or knitting or something.

Take it one day at a time girl. And pray!



Well-known member
I don't kno you personally but u seem to be very smart. You are already doing the rights things. The biggest step is coming to terms wth your addiction and it seems as if you are quite aware and taking responsible steps in taking care of yourself.

Kicking negative ppl out my life as helped me alot and i can tell you, you are doing better by not hanging with certan ppl anymore. Just hang in there. And although I'm not religious, I am spiritual. I found that trusting in a higher being has helped me when no one else was there for me.... Hope that help


Well-known member
Sweetie- I just want to congratulate you on wanting to change. Im so proud of you

Ive never had a drug addiction (I had... a small "love" of vicodin when I broke my tail bone and had 3 30 pill refills.... I took them ALL THE TIME.. and when I came off of them it was hard for me to live day to day for a little while without the opiat to get me through things... but this was a like.. month long thing.) but I have had another addiction-- I was bulimic/anorexic for a really long time... which is a really really strong addiction.

Some people are just addictive people. I am. When I find something I like I want it ALL THE TIME...But people underestimate people who are addicts- like they are weak.. Addicts are actually very dedicated and strong people. So keep that in mind- that you are dedicated and strong- you can do this

I am going to agree with all the other posters- getting your family involved will help a lot! Sounds like they are very supportive and I think that after they get over the initial shock they will help you out sooo much! Getting rid of the negativity and surrounding yourself with positivity is the way to go!


Well-known member
I have been sober for over a month now. I am so happy and even my true friends have noticed a change. I have been in the house every weekend but that beats being around cokeheads!!! yay!!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who replied in the thread. I am truly thankful. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!


Well-known member
Big hugs and a congratulations!! A family member (cousin) went through this, so I've seen how hard it is. I'm so proud you are doing this for yourself.


Well-known member
By "sober" I assume you mean "clean" of drugs. That's wonderful news, well done!

Let's hope that 2009 is a wonderful year for you and you manage to stay away from drugs.


Well-known member

i am sooo proud of you!!!! i hope you feel better and bring everything in perspective!!! You can do it gurl!!! stay up, stay beautiful and be blessed!!


Well-known member
Thanks for the update, it's good to hear that you're doing well. Keep it up, the longer you stay clean the better a chance you have of making it permanent.


Well-known member
Yay! *hugs* Here's to many more months!

EDIT - I know I already replied, I thought it bore more happy hugs.


Well-known member
Congratulations =)

What a big deal, eh? Just be sure to stay focused, the second you get complacent or lose that focus, you can slip up.

Just keep knowing you can do it and use your support systems!

Again, congrats =)


Well-known member
I've had to deal with a drug addiction all my life. I've had to deal with it in friends, family and myself, so I know where you are coming from. With my friends, it was really hard but your doing the right thing to seperate yourself from them. They will only enable you and not for nothing, but you are there for YOU. Your life is your life. They are not going to help you through it, and trust me, friends can be replaced. You may not think so now, but they can be. As far as having to deal with it in my family, its hard. I have gone and seen therapists recently and have talked to my boyfriend in the past. Drug addicition if the worse thing that could happen to a family. I will have mental scars for the rest of my life with the shit I've seen and had to deal with. I know what your going through because I also had to deal with it. I did drugs since I was 13 and didn't stop until about 3 almost 4 yrs ago. I lost all my friends (the good ones), my grades suffered, and I was a miserable person. I think the best thing for you to do is to talk to somebody. I know you have bills and such but even just getting it out there and having somebody just listen to you will help. There may be deeper problems than you think and that is why the drugs/alcohol may be coming into play. I think what your doing is GREAT in that your trying to get help. Admitting you have a problem is always the first step to success and getting better.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by smith130
I have been sober for over a month now. I am so happy and even my true friends have noticed a change. I have been in the house every weekend but that beats being around cokeheads!!! yay!!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who replied in the thread. I am truly thankful. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

Congrats on your sobriety! I used to use coke too... it started as a party drug for me as well, and though I did not let it turn into a daily occurrence I was to the point of using several times a week. I realized what I was doing to myself when I was coming down one time and started fiending to the point of trying to convince my friend to lend me money and take me to get more drugs at 4 in the morning... yikes! But now I've been clean for just over 4 years! I still think about it sometimes, and it gives me anxiety when I see people doing it on tv or movies or whatever, but I haven't used. You can do it too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashleydawn
Congrats on your sobriety! I used to use coke too... it started as a party drug for me as well, and though I did not let it turn into a daily occurrence I was to the point of using several times a week. I realized what I was doing to myself when I was coming down one time and started fiending to the point of trying to convince my friend to lend me money and take me to get more drugs at 4 in the morning... yikes! But now I've been clean for just over 4 years! I still think about it sometimes, and it gives me anxiety when I see people doing it on tv or movies or whatever, but I haven't used. You can do it too!

Thanks a lot. I appreciate all the support from everyone.

Yeah I definitely cant watching it on tv gives me anxiety too. I can watch certain movies to Intervention and I have to turn the channel cause I start to fantasize about it. I thought I was the only one who did that.

Yeah still spending a lot of time at home and still have just about no social life. I'm dealing with it the best I can cause its my own fault that since I moved I only have met addicts and crappy men. Trying to make it work. Thanks again for the support!!!