drugstore moisturizers


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Originally Posted by mizuki~
I just ran out of my moisturizer from MAC and I really don't feel like spending so much money for something that wasn't that great. I'm sure drugstore brands carry great moisturizers for a good price. What moisturizers from drug stores have you tried and loved? And what's your skin type

i really liked 'visible results' by l'oreal. (it's in a small pink pump dispenser) when i was using it, it honestly did give me visible results...my skin was glowing and clear! however, i've just moved back across the ocean to canada and i haven't spotted it yet at my local drugstore...anyway, my skin is normal however without the right cleansing regime it tends to appear oily/acne prone.


Well-known member
Eucerin Extra Sensitive Facial Moisturizer with SPF 15

I have oily skin for the most part - dry cheeks.


Specktra Bestie
I'm also a fan of St. Ives, which are a great value for the price. One thing that I've heard from several people who've worked at L'Oreal is that their mass market products are almost identical to the ones they sell at a much higher price, so that can mean better results for less money.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
cetaphil does work for me but after 3 hours it leaves my skin feeling oily, shiny, and greasy, even if i use 2 pea sized amounts.

edit: my skin type is normal/sensitive skin

I have the same issue with this one, so I use this at night sometimes and mix it with some Vicco (tumeric). I have acne prone/t-zone/normal skin (it changes with my cycle)

The one I use for daytime is Clean & Clear, Dual Action Moisturizer and I love it!


Well-known member
i have combo acne prone skin that is mostly dry right now.. i love clean & clear everything, wash moisturizer, i have a whole set and it works for me.


Well-known member
I've got very oily skin and I've been loving Biore's Dual Fusion Moisturizer. It's very light, but also has SPF 30, which is amazing since it doesn't feel greasy at all. I have a full review on my blog if you're interested in it. I've also tried Garnier's Moisture Rescue Replenishing Gel-Cream. I'd say that it's similar to Clinique's Moisture Surge, only much cheaper. If you have oily skin, stay away from Neutrogena's Healthy Defense with SPF 30. Idk if anyone else had problems with this one, but it went on greasy, didn't really absorb, and broke me out pretty bad. Hope this helps!


Cetaphil Cream is my moisturizer staple. The lotion doesn't really give the same result. My skin type is all over the map due to using Accutane twice in the past - sometimes I go through intensely dry spells and other times it is regular (I wouldn't say excessively oily). My skin is extremely sensitive though and Cetaphil Cream works wonders!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by natalie647
I've got very oily skin and I've been loving Biore's Dual Fusion Moisturizer. It's very light, but also has SPF 30, which is amazing since it doesn't feel greasy at all. I have a full review on my blog if you're interested in it. I've also tried Garnier's Moisture Rescue Replenishing Gel-Cream. I'd say that it's similar to Clinique's Moisture Surge, only much cheaper. If you have oily skin, stay away from Neutrogena's Healthy Defense with SPF 30. Idk if anyone else had problems with this one, but it went on greasy, didn't really absorb, and broke me out pretty bad. Hope this helps!

I have been searching for a new moisturizer for oily skin ever since my HG Olay changed their formula! I used to love this moisturizer because it never felt greasy and very light. The new formula is awful..thick and greasy and smells like sunscreen..I have really oily skin so I have to be careful what I use..thanks for the suggestions! I will definitely check these out!

Jessie May

Well-known member
I really, really, REALLY love Forumla 10.0.6's Seriously Shine Free Mattifying Oil-Free Moisturizer.
It is lovely! Only $17 here in NZ, so I'm sure it's pretty cheap in the U.S. and elsewhere.


Well-known member
^^^ Great I may have to check this out! I still haven't found a good oil control moisturizer. I couldn't find the Biore suggested by natalie647. They have this moisturizer at Ulta (US) for 6.99. Thanks!