drugstore, other high end brands vs mac


Well-known member
i really hope this i posted this in the right section because i honestly sat here trying to figure out the best place to post it lol.

i know most of the love around it here for mac, and i'm no different, but my love for makeup started with a variety of low end brands, then a variety of high end brands, trying to find what i liked, then i found mac and pretty much swapped everything away to become exclusively mac.
lately i'm realizing that as wonderful, innovative, colorful and good quality mac can be, sometimes there are just other brands that make things the same if not better.
i've stopped being so exclusive when i came to my senses and realized there are other great brands out there, some being drugstore brands! i still use mac but i've gone back to trying out all sorts of other brands including drugstore.
now don't get me wrong, i've bought some really crappy quality drugstore items, but i've also bought crappy high end items and as much as i know that usually, when you spend more you get better quality but lately i'm realizing maybe i was being blinded by the label of mac and other high end brands and almost being a "snob".
now i'm not saying that those who only use mac or high end are snobs because i definitely dont feel that way, but i feel like i was turning away from drugstore items and even other high end names because they weren't MAC.
i bought these essense of beauty brushes from CVS and they're great! i paid less than 10$ for a brush that is comparable to a mac brush and i honestly dont see how there's enough of a difference between them to make such a big jump in price. i know some mac items are something you can only find by them, like i think that i love their lipsticks more than any other brand but some of their other items like their brushes are no different than cheaper brands.
ok, i've gotten very long winded, but i just thought i'd share how i've been feeling lately. i hope that nothing i said was taken badly because i really am not judging anyone, its just mostly myself realizing that there's a whole great big awesome world of cosmetics out there which i turned my back on for a while thinking that mac was the end all be all. lol i think for some reason i had it in my head that unless you had a nice collection exclusively of one brand then it was a bad thing. i really dont know how my mind works sometimes.