Drugstore Sunscreen Rec. for Oily Skin...

Currently I use Neutrogena Sheery Dry Touch SPF 45 under foundation every single day. I have oily/acne prone skin. Plus I live in Houston where the humidity is very high.

I don't really want to spend $40+ on a sunscreen. Any recs for a drugstore SS that won't make my face shiny?


Active member
I know this may not sound helpful, but I really do recommend that you stick with that Neutrogena Dry touch sunscreen, except switch to a higher spf if you want.

I too live in Houston TX and I definitely share your pain of high humidity and unreasonably hot weather year-round.

Also, I've got EXTREMELY acne-prone skin and my dermatologist recommended me to use the Neutrogena dry touch and i honestly think that's the driest sunscreen we can get here in Houston that's affordable.

Don't use the Healthy defense spf30 one from Neutrogena because that one is really oily (I used it before).

Currently because I am lazy to use proper sunscreen, I use and depend on a light-weight moisturizer (Aveeno Positively Radiant spf 30 moisturizer and/or Aveeno Ultra-Calming spf 15 moisturizer) as my source of sunscreen protection, which isn't much, i know. My dermatologist also had samples of both ultra-calming and the positively radiant and i enjoy both. I'm waiting to use up all my Ultra-Calming so i can switch back to Positively Radiant because it has a higher spf.

And honestly,and not being pessimistic in any way, no matter what dry sunscreen or moisturizer we use here in houston, our skin will be oily no matter what. i tried wearing powder makeup, light-weight moisturizers, dry-touch sunscreen, and my skin always ends up oily at the end or middle of the day.

all we've got is our blotting sheets to depend on. E.L.F. makes $1 blotting sheets. they are thinner than Clean & Clear's and takes 2 sheets to absorb the same amount and C&C's blot sheets, but for $1, it's still cheaper to use 2 ELF blot sheets than one of C&C's blot sheets.

If you can chip out more money for a department store brand, I'd recommend Clinique's defense moisturizer spf 45 (or maybe it was 30, not sure). I looked on clinique's website and I don't see that spf 45 that I had a sample of a few years ago. I'm not sure if they carry it anymore online, but maybe they have it at the counter?(they do have a spf 25 one but I don't know if they changed the formula over the years). If they do, go ahead and ask them for samples to test out. I got my sample from one of those free-bonus-time many years ago, and I personally liked the dry feeling I got from this Clinique moisturizer. It felt drier, but not in a bad way, than the Neutrogena Dry-touch sunscreen in my opinion. Did my face get oily during the day? Of course it did =/ but I can't remember how small or a lot what the amount of oiliness because that was too long ago for me to remember clearly. Again, Houston will oily-fy our faces no matter what =(, but the Aveeno ($15) or Clinique ($40) is worth a try.

i really hope i helped! I'm really sorry if what I suggested didn't work out for you or made things worse. They were the only ones that I thought worked for me in this horrible weather we have to go through


Active member
vichy! lots of people recommend la roche posay too but i haven't had good experience with their sunscreens (other products are great though)


Well-known member
I use Neutrogena Healthy Defense daily moisturizer every morning. It's spf30 and you can get it tinted in light medium or dark. I use the untinted stuff though.
