Early Birthday Haul


Well-known member
Well, My birthday is next week and I "Had" to go to a conference in the city, so I had to swing by the mall and get me "some" - some mac that is. <g>

Studio Fix Liquid (I'm a mac foundation virgin) now I know that I am a NW20 its the perfect foundation for my skin color.. I've never had such a close match (of course it would be mac that is perfect)

Medium blot powder

Cubic blush
sundressing lipstick
summer neutral eyeshadow
aquiline liquid last liner

I haven't tried the liner yet but I love the summer neutral shadow it really looks great with sweet sage fluidline and sumptuous olive in the crease.

I had to go since I'm having the first of my many 29 birthdays this year.


New member

Great haul my dear!


Well-known member
I think you owed it to yourself to get a MAC haul to 'cope' with the conference! (that would've been my excuse, heh heh).

Happy birthday! Hope you enjoy it!