Easy Styles for Short Hair

My fiances Christmas Party for his work is this weekend and I need something to do with my hair. I am letting my hair grow out so there really isn't much I can do with it. I had my hair stacked in the back and as of right now it is to my jaw. It is still pretty short but my hair is super shiny smooth and is hard to hold curls and what not.. I tried doing a google search for short hair styles but they take me to salon homepages and I don't know about you but I find it really hard to follow those classy looking pictures.. I will attach a picture I took the other day. The top of my hair is up but you can kind of get the feel for how long my hair is and the texture of it..
If anyone could help that would be awesome! All I ever see is styles for long hair!



Well-known member
cocorais on youtube has a few hairstyle tutorials for people with short hair also xsparkage did a video a while ago for a curly hairstyle for short hair, hope they help


Well-known member
When I dress up, I usually pin up one side and leave little bits hanging. I think it looks better with the stray bits curled into ringlettes, but I think it'd be cute either way.