EI School of Professional Makeup


New member
Hey everyone!

Has anyone heard of this school? Its in Hollywood, CA.
They have a year long program called "Artistry of Makeup" that costs about $15,000
The program includes:
Beauty and corrective makeup
Theatrical/live performance makeup
High fashion photographic makeup
Beginning prosthetics workshop
Television (including HDTV) makeup
Film makeup

All the things I am interested in! I got way excited because the price is really good seeing that it is a year long course, and all other schools I've checked only have 3 or 4 month programs for the same price!

So I thought, is it too good to be true?
Do you guys know anything about this school?

Thanks guys!


Active member
I wish I could help! I'm also interested in that school, but I can't pay for schooling AND housing by myself. Wanna go together?! LOL From what I've seen they're pretty good but I'm not an expert. Hope you find everything you need!

Also, I was at this site today and I just found the link the in FAQ section of this board. It made me think everything over again!

Mary Erickson, TheMakeupArtist.com - A Q&A page of makeup, hair styling and wardrobe questions with answers from one of Southern California's best makeup artists