environmentally friendly/low chemical carpet cleaning


Well-known member
I'm allergic to traditional carpet cleaning chemicals. I learned this the hard way, and hope never to have to encounter that stuff again. Both the cleaning chemicals you get when you rent a steam cleaner from the hardware or grocery store, and the stuff that most standard steam cleaning places use.

The house we are moving into (and bought!) currently houses two dogs, and we have a cat and just aren't fond of dog smell. We've asked the current owners not to shampoo the carpets and leave that up to us, so as to avoid the allergic bad.

Unfortunately, Zoots isn't in my area (Pittsburgh, PA 15217). ChemDry is, but I know little about them. I'm wondering if anyone has suggestoins for environmentally friendly, low-chemical carpet cleaning companies that might be in my area/nationwide?


Well-known member
I work at an Environmentaly Safe Dry Cleaners down in southern california. i know we do rugs (always environmentally safe, low chemicals, scotch guard if they want). we then send it to this big huge plant in Sacremento where they clean big rugs, safe and with low chemicals. I'll try to get the name of the plant tomrow, we might have a business card somewhere. Let me get back to you!