EOTD's from a NOOBIE!!


Well-known member
Just a few pics of what Ive been workin on lately, practice makes perfect right?? Can someone tell me how to get the pics in the post?

inner lid chrome yellow
middle orange
outer post haste
v sketch

lid parfait armour
crease hepcat
meet the fleet in v

#3 & 4 Inspired by you tuber NC40, I think thats her name, amazinggggg!!
post haste on lid
orange in crease
paradisco inner crease
sketch in the v
goldmine and parrot over sea me shadestick on lower lash line

bitter and sour lemon inner
bio green in the middle
emerald green piggy on outer
bottle green in v

Thanks for looking!



Whenever I put pictures into the post I usually upload them first on to photobucket and then when you write the post you can copy and paste the link into the post. When you review it the picture should pop up. FYI there are four different links so make sure when you are doing your thread or post to review it because if it's the wrong link all that would should up is the link and not the picture. Hopefully this helps if it is too confusing let me know and I'll try to clarify! xoxo