Extremely dry skin- help!


Active member
I hope you all can help me with my foundation woes. My skin is extremely, extremely dry. I've tried about a million moisturizers but it seems like nothing can hydrate my skin, thus my foundation either looks cakey, blotchy, clumpy, or all of the above.
I've tried mineral powder foundations, Dream Matte Mousse, and liquid. nothing works. My forehead is very flaky, my t-zone is always red, and my nose/under my eyes are bumpy because it's so dry. My pores aren't really a problem, but in general my whole face is dry, so my pores look kind of big.

I'm really looking for a foundation that looks natural but still covers redness, doesn't enhace dry flakes, and will nourish my skin somewhat.

Any help is appreciated! thanks!


Well-known member

I can't offer any useful advice foundation wise as I have the opposite skintype. But have you tried using Fix+ it adds moisture and stops foundation looking dry and cakey. It can also be sprayed on throughout the day to add moisture without spoiling your make up.

Fix + blurb from website:
Liquid refreshment for the skin. A vitamin-rich pick-up for the skin - and a perfect finishing "fix" for makeup. Spray it on. Sets makeup. Wakes up the skin! Alcohol-free. Herb-infused. Shot with caffeine. One smart tonic. For a fresh finish to a look, apply over moisturizer and under foundation. Use over powder for a soft "set" finish. Non-irritating: skin calming. Botanically formulated. Naturally aromatic. Skin-quenching. Does the skin good. Let the skin drink it up!


Well-known member
I love studio fix liquid a lot!!! and use a face mist at least 1x during the day to keep you makeup and your skin fresh and moisturized. I like fix+ and dove face mist


Well-known member
Have you tried going for a hydrating facial? The problem maybe with your cleanser, toner, moisturiser, a beauty therapist should be able to help if that's the case. I use dermalogica and it's fabulous. Also doyou exfoliate twice a week? Make-up looks a million times better after exfoliation


Well-known member
it's not entirely about moisturizing, you have to build a good foundation to work with.

you NEED to exfoliate, you can't improve the dry skin problem by simply covering the dead and dry skin cells. you need to get rid of them, then go from there. i would recommend microfine refinisher. it's a mild form a microdermabrasion treatment, which specializes in getting rid of flakes, and dry skin, and renewing your skin cells. i have really dry skin. i use it twice a week, sparingly, and it's REALLy improved my skin's overall condition and appearance. one i get everything cleased OFF of my skin, then i moisturize. i usually use microfine two days a week, moisturize twice daily with either studio moisture fix, or studio moisture cream. make sure you always get makeup off at night completely with a warm (not hot) washcloth.

in the morning, after washing and moizturizing my face, i'll do my eyes, then apply prep and prime face, wait a few minutes for it to soak in and dry, then apply my foundation. having exfoliated and moisturized skin allows foundation to go on smoother, and last longer, plus it looks better. i alternate between studio fix fluid and bare escentuals. finish everything off with a spray or two of fix+, to set makeup.

also, consider a concealor, or a color-correcting primer, such as smashbox photo finish color correcting primer, which will even out redness.


Well-known member
check out what your eating!
and start taking fish oil or mixed sunflower oil caplets it will mosturize your insides and skin.

Beacuse if the outside of your body is lacking in essiential fats [thats what it sounds like] then you need to get them for good skin, good bones and joints and overall health.

Beacuse trust me you dont just get super dry skin for no reason i use to have dry patches on my face then i investigated and since im a vegan i need to be getting more fat in my diet so i started taking the flower oils and bam my skin was dry spot free and looking alot better.


Well-known member
Hi, I have dry skin too. I've been using L'Oreal Hydrafresh mousturizer in the day and Nivea Aqua something in the night. My skin isn't dry anymore if I use it every morning and evening. I use Helena Rubinstein Color Clone foundation, it's very good and keeps my skin feeling soft. I use L'Oreal toner and cleansing milk for dry skin to take off my makeup at night and exfoliate with Kanebo Silk peeling powder 1-2x a week, it's really good for dry/sensitive skin. Hope this helps!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Glitziegal

I can't offer any useful advice foundation wise as I have the opposite skintype. But have you tried using Fix+ it adds moisture and stops foundation looking dry and cakey. It can also be sprayed on throughout the day to add moisture without spoiling your make up.

Fix + blurb from website:
Liquid refreshment for the skin. A vitamin-rich pick-up for the skin - and a perfect finishing "fix" for makeup. Spray it on. Sets makeup. Wakes up the skin! Alcohol-free. Herb-infused. Shot with caffeine. One smart tonic. For a fresh finish to a look, apply over moisturizer and under foundation. Use over powder for a soft "set" finish. Non-irritating: skin calming. Botanically formulated. Naturally aromatic. Skin-quenching. Does the skin good. Let the skin drink it up!

Fix + sounds very interesting. Do you happen to have the ingredient list by any chance? I'm wondering if it's rosacea-friendly and don't see it in the ingredient listings on here...I may be missing it?

I have dry skin as well and for me the biggest factor has been finding a non-stripping cleanser. If I use a drying cleanser no amount of moisturizer can help me. I'm currently using MD Forte Replenish Hydrating Cleanser. Paula's Choice Skin Recovery Cleanser is another good one, but she reformulated recently and it now contains propylene glycol, which I can't tolerate. Clinique Comforting Cream Cleanser is another possibility. Hope this helps!


Well-known member
If this has been plaquing you for a while, why not see an dermatologist as this could be something else? I know people who have allergies to most or all makeup and either EXTREMELY dry skin or severe rash occurs.


Active member
Supplements and natural skin care

I have super dry, sensitive skin myself, and I have found that taking lecithin, Vitamin E (D-alpha tocopherol, not DI-alpha tocopherol), omega 3, 6 and 9 and COQ10 every day has made a world of difference.
Additionally, after years of battling flakiness, I discovered that most of the flakiness was due to cosmetic allergies which gave me eczematic outbreaks. I stopped using anything but mild, all natural cleansers and other skin products, learned to stay wayyyy away from chemical - not physical - sunscreens, and I haven't had another dry patch or eczematic breakout.
If you aren't allergic to silicone, then I also reccomend Pure Luxe's What Red over your moisturizer - seals in the moisture, takes care of the redness and makes a great makeup base. Essentially, though, you may need to do what I did, address it from the inside out via supplements and from the outside via a more natural, less sensitizing skin care regimen. And check your fouondations and other cream products - one or all of those may be contributing to the dryness/sensitivity.


Active member
Wow, thanks for the suggestions everyone!

I used to have a lot of problems with finding a good cleanser and exfoliator (my skin used to be sensitive) and now I use Clean + Clear because it hasn't caused any irritation or tightness. I use the exfoliator for the first time last night and wow, you ladies were right- that helps 100%! I'm also going to look into the Fix+; coincidentally, a Macy's just replaced the marshall fields by me, so i will hit up the MAC counter there.

Thanks again!