Eye-Shadow Base/Primer + Blending


Well-known member
Hello guys & dolls, once again I'm really in need of a recommendation.
I've been using the Artdeco e/s base (it's a make-up brand, mostly available in Europe) for a loooong time and absolutely LOVED it for its fabulous staying power & how vibrant it made my e/s look, problem is just it makes the shadows (especially if I'm using multiple e/s to create a look) super hard to blend.. it's a rather sticky base and just grabs the powder, makin it a lil tricky to spread. It's not a big deal if I just do a wash all over.. but for more sophisticated looks it's starting to be a pain.

Any ideas?
What are your opinions on paints/paint pots? Do they make e/s easy to blend?
I'm happy about any input.


Well-known member
I always use urban decay primer potion + paint pots. everyday, everytime! amazing staying power and never a prob blending....plus I can switch up the color of the paint pots to change/enhance the look I'm creating...paint pots themselves blend well and can be worn alone - if you're quick enough! once they set blending can be a pain!


Well-known member
i always use bare study on top of my eyeshadow base so you could try. if you want, you could also do a light wash of a light shimmery pigment which will give you a little more slip and ease in blending


Well-known member
Paint pots are great. I've never had a problem blending over paint pots or UDPP, unless I'm working with matte shadows.


Well-known member
I love the paintpots , they make e/s payoff much more intense and blending is not a problem with it .