Eyebrow Filler Rec. for a Blonde/Blue NC20 skin gal.


Well-known member
I need a really good recommendation for an eyerow filler. Currently I am using Bare Escentuals Eyebrow Kit in the blonde shade. While it fills them in okay, I feel like it's not doing justice. I have very sparse eyebrows, and I kind of have some bald spots in some places. I was at the Trish McEvoy counter the other day just browsing, and the MA there told me about this new product they is releasing that is an eyebrow filler, but it has hair fibers in it, so it "naturally" fills in your brows. While that sounded really interesting & intriguing it's not out yet, so I need something for the time being.​

I have tried Smashbox's eyebrow duo in blonde, and Benefits Eyebrow Zing which made my eyebrows WAY too dark for my face. I had the girl at the Benefit counter try it on me, it didn't do anything. And the Smashbox made them appear more orange than anything else. UGH!​

I have seen people use eyeshadows((mainly MAC)) as a filler, except if I were to do this I wouldn't even know which one to use.​

So I'm just looking for suggestions, I have natural blonde hair, blue-green eyes, and I'm an NC20 at MAC. There's a picture below for better reference.​

Anything you all suggest is fine. It doesn't have to be a MAC product, or anything high end. I'm just looking for all around suggestions.​

Thanks SOO much!!!!

picture of me:​



New member
i have very similar colouring to you and when i was blonde i used shiseidos light brown eyebrow pencil, or EL the very thin retractable one in soft brown and also retractable clarins one in blonde all amazing


Active member
I purchased Anastasia's brow kit for Blondes, with a powder and a brush for your brows, and I LOVE it. I've tried pencils but found them more difficult to work with - with a brow powder (after you've shaped and trimmed your brows, of course) it only takes a few seconds to brush a little powder on (with an angled brush) to fill in and shape a bit better, and it makes a WORLD of difference!