eyebrows fall downwards during the day


Well-known member
my eyebrows grow downwards kinda! so during the day im constantly pushing them back into shape. any finishing eyebrow products that will make them stick the way i want without looking fake and covered with product??


Well-known member
Have you tried a bit of clear mascara? Or, you could try spraying a bit of hairspray onto a spoolie and running it through your brows!


Well-known member
Next time you do your eyebrows, comb them downwards, pluck your strays, and then trim your eyebrows. That way they'll be styled in a way that supports how they naturally grow.


Well-known member
trimming, plucking, gels, hairspray all work.. if desperate use duo glue (the fake eyelash stuff) a tiny bit on a spoolie and it will hold up all the hair on your eyebrows straight up if you want it to.


Well-known member
If you use duo glue though, you have to be really really careful how you tint your brows and with what, because it is like liquid latex and no matter how much or how little you use, you're still going to have stringy little bits of latex in your eyebrows that aren't going to hold the pigment of whatever brow pencil/powder/cake you use.


Well-known member
I keep a spare spoolie or disposable mascara wand near where I do my hair and when I finish my makeup, I'll spray the brow brush with some hairspray and then run it through my brows. It works wonders!