eyelid puffy


Well-known member
my right eyelid is puffy. when i blink, it hurts. does anyone have that before? when you blink, it hurts and your eyelid is puffy. its been 2 days and hasn't stopped hurting or the puffiness hasn't gone away yet. well, the pain isn't bad as the first day.


Well-known member
I recently had this, you need to go to the eye doctor. Its more than likely
conjunctivitis also known as pink eye. He will give you antibiotics. Don't wear make up


Well-known member
It could be allergies or pink eye. Do you have a lot of gunk accumulating in it? I get really bad allergies starting in the spring and my eyes are red, swollen and painful for about 4 months of the year
Definitely get it checked out though. Either way your doc will be able to give you something to help it.


Well-known member
I would have expected allergies to affect both eyes, so maybe its a sty?

But like the other girls said, no makeup + doctor


Well-known member
It sounds like it could be a sty too. Whenever I feel my eyelid getting a little sore (it usually starts hurting before I see any puffiness), I immediately grab a cotton ball/wad and a cup of hot water. I wet the cotton ball and wring most of the water out so it's a little damp, and put it over my eye and add a little pressure over the sore area. I'll do this for as long as I can. It feels good and it actually helps to prevent the sty from getting really serious and swollen.