Eyes of the Day


Well-known member
I decided to do like everyone else and take my pictures outside because of better light. I think i'm gonna start doing that all the time now it actually worked! These were taken in my car so yeah. It was kinda funny i parked outside my house and i took my camera out to do it since we don't really have much sun in my so called 'back yard'(it's TINY but that's what we get for living in a big city in a townhouse) and some dude walked out of the apartments across the street! I felt ridiculous ;x Oh well. Excuse the eyebrows and nasty skin. I'm growing my eyebrows out so i can get them waxed because i suck at tweezing. I don't like how my eye looks all wrinkly in this picture but such as life:




I know they're not blended good at all but i had to do it really quick this morning. I was running late for school ;x

Untitled as base(it could've been Bare Canvas but they're practically the same thing ;x)
Brill all over lid
Aquadisiac middle
Electric Eel outer
Pollen brow bone
Blue Peep Fluidline
Coal Black Prolash

Comments criticisms etc welcome!


Well-known member
Cute combo! You're makin me want Brill before it disappears from my counter!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amy
Cute combo! You're makin me want Brill before it disappears from my counter!!

Thanks. You DEFINATELY need to get it! It's such a nice color. I <3 it. I use it all the time this is my first time doing 3 colors i usually just do brill(all over lid) and Aquadisiac, Electric Eel, or Melody(outer).

Originally Posted by toropcheh
Very very pretty! Your eyes and skin tone look eerily like my SIL... lol

Hope that's not a bad thing!

Originally Posted by Chelsea
man i need blue peep!!!

YES YOU DO! It's GORGEOUS. I'm sure it'd look awesome on you!