Eyeshadow creasing!


Well-known member
Use a base under your eyeshadows ... like UD primer potion, Mac shadestick beige-ing or Mac paint in bare canva. ^_^'



Well-known member
Urban Decay Primer Potion is a eye primer.
It does work very well.


Well-known member
Mac eyes primer doesn't keep your shadows from creasing ! Please don't buy it for that purpose or you'll be very disapointed.

Try using an neutral paint or shadestick under your shadows, these are Mac products and that's what a lot of people use on that forum.

I personnaly like beige-ing shadestick ... ^_^'



Well-known member
You may want to try other things as well, there are a few threads here discussing it and lots of people have found that different items work best - not all necessarily MAC. Some people like shadesticks, some like paints, some like mac prime n prep eye, others like UDPP, and honestly I was using shadesticks before I found UDPP and I will NEVER go back to a MAC primer for eyeshadow again.


Active member
Urban Decay Primer Potion is BY FAR the BEST!!!! Once I tried this product, I have never looked back. I refuse to put on eyeshadow without it now, and I think once you try it you will feel the same. It's about $15 and you can pick it up from either ULTA, Sephora, or anywhere Urban Decay products are sold.


Well-known member
I really don't understand why more people don't use Ben Nye's Final Seal. My eyeshadow never creases or fades, at the end of the day it looks as fresh and bright as when I put it on.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ethel
I really don't understand why more people don't use Ben Nye's Final Seal. My eyeshadow never creases or fades, at the end of the day it looks as fresh and bright as when I put it on.

Other things are easily available. I don't know where to find Ben Nye products.


Active member
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
if you want a mac product, try out one of the new paint pots, i heard theyre divine :-D

yes i bought one of the new paint pots yesterday. Rubenesque...its so gorgeous and so far..no creasing!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Other things are easily available. I don't know where to find Ben Nye products.

I agree....Everyone is not fortunate to have a store near them to try out their products. I wish I did though....sigh....


Well-known member
Use a base. I used to use MAC paint in Bare Canvas, but that's not too great if you want the shadows to look true to the pot, in my experience.

UD Primer Potion is a bit better, but it makes blending kind of a pain.

I use Artdeco's eyeshadow base. It just works best for me. If you're in the UK, there should be some places that sell it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lsperry
I agree....Everyone is not fortunate to have a store near them to try out their products. I wish I did though....sigh....

I keep hearing about Ben Nye stuff and would love to try it but don't know where I could I find a place that sells it.


Active member
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
if you want a mac product, try out one of the new paint pots, i heard theyre divine :-D

OMG, those paint pots are AWESOME!!!!!
They feel soooooooo good ...I swatched a few and it's like, your skin just drinks up the color and it goes on like butter. That one dark shade, like a black with silver flecks, I can't WAIT to try that on a smokey eye.

I always have issues doing the s/e because a small bit of shadow invariably gets on my cheek and it's IMPOSSIBLE to get it off. I have to start doing my eyes first...

I can't remember the brush she used with the paint pots, but AWESOME!!!!