Eyeshadow Help


Hello Ladies...

I'm need some advice on finding MAC eyeshadows that will stand out on me...everyone that I've picked so far is either too close to my skintone or won't show up at all...I've purchased Woodwinked and Bronze...

I'm new to using eyeshadow, so I'm not sure colors to use that will stand out...I'm currently using Studio Fix NC45 as my foundation/powder...

I would love any advice the ladies of Specktra can give..Thanks!


OK so I'm a NC42 (with brown eyes too!) - so I am only just a bit lighter than you, but I have bought all these colours and they all show up fine on me:

Satelitte Dreams (shimmery plum purple)
Steamy (goldy-greeny-bluey turquoise)
Shroom (champagne - just for highlighting)
Living Pink (true pink with a slight gold though it)
Coppering (shimmery copper colour)
Cranberry (a crimsony-dark berry-dark pink colour)
Tempting (shimmery dark brown - great for creating depth in the crease and outer v, can also be used on the lid)
Napolean Ultra Pearl #60 in Azure (similar to MAC Fade - a shimmery light blue - looks great on dark skintones)
Clinique Apricot Spice (similar to MAC Paradisco - a very light shimmery peach - in fact the Clinique one is better coz Paradisco bearly shows up on my skin colour)

AND, my next purchases are gonna be Woodwinked (go figure!), Contrast (really dark blue/purple), Electra (silver), Knight Divine (shimmery dark grey/silver), Juxt (light green with gold through it) and Satin Taupe (a beautiful mauvey-taupe)

Best rule to remember when using bold colours is to BLEND BLEND BLEND!



Oh Wow! Thank you BrownSugar!

I'm going to try some of those and post back how they worked for me....Woodwinked probably will look good as a highlighter as well for complexions like ours...

Thank you again!