Eyeshadow Recs for NC20 & Green Eyes



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info: Hello. Thank you for your interest in MAC Cosmetics. My name is Marci. How may I assist you?
Loretta: Hi Marci, i am interested in buying Trax eyeshadow, what other eyeshadows can I pair it with?
Marci: Hello Loretta. Trax Eye Shadow is a great choice to enhance your green eyes.
Marci: Eye Shadows like Vex, Motif, Crystal and Orb are all great options in base shades with Trax Eye Shadow blended through the crease.
Loretta: very nice!
Loretta: Also, i have knight divine eyeshadow, what would you recommend pairing it with? i am abit stuck with this one
Marci: You can pair Knight Divine with Electra, Beautiful Iris, Scene, Crystal or Silver Ring Eye Shadows. A pretty eye enhancing look would be to place Beautiful Iris over your lid, blend Scene Eye Shadow through the crease and fade out to Knight Divine Eye Shadow blended to the outer corners for depth.
Loretta: WOW! that sounds great
Loretta: would trax go nicely with Haux aswell?
Marci: Yes, you can blend Trax to the outer corners for depth with Haux blended through the crease of placed on the lid.
Loretta: beautiful! i am very impressed with your suggestions
okay one more... sumptuous olive?

Marci: Place Sumptuous Olive Eye Shadow from lash line to crease, sweeping Cork Eye Shadow through the crease of your eye. Highlight with Shroom Eye Shadow and define both lash lines with Prunella Eye Kohl Pencil.
Marci: You can add a deeper plum like Sketch or Shadowy Lady to the outer corners for additional depth.
Marci: It also pairs nicely with Vex or Shroom Eye Shadows.
Loretta: i think i will be buying a few of these today when i go shopping - thank you so much for your help today!
Marci: You're welcome Loretta and have fun shopping!
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Well-known member
This is great information - thank you for sharing it. BTW - I LOVE Vex and I have green eyes, NC20.


New member
I'm loving the shade combinations that Marci suggested... Thanks for sharing! I'm definitely going to break out my Trax and give those colors a try with it.