Facial piercings + foundation?


Well-known member
i have a septum and i used to just take it out, but it's frustrating and i lose balls that way, so now i just wipe it off. i would definetly say nostril. i'd think jewelry with stones or whatever in it would be much harder to clean off the makeup with than studs. but idk. gah, sorry. that probably wasn't much of a help. >___<


Well-known member
maybe it's a bad habit... but i don't even clean my piercing (nostril) after i put on foundation! i know, such a bad habit... but i clean it three times a day and i've never had infections or anything. i clean it:

(1) after i wash my face in the morning
(2) after i get out of the shower in the afternoon (i work at night so i shower in the afternoon! haha)
(3) before bed


Well-known member
This is probably a given, but I'm going to ask anyways.
With my freshly pierced lip, would wearing lipstick be a total nono? I miss wearing lips T_T


Well-known member
Yeah its a no no, I did it and my lip got swollen bad, because the product got in to the piercing and also I ate spicy food

I actually just took my lip ring out yesterday. The way it was done it was like almost on my lip! and when I did colored lips it makes em look crooked so I just took it out


Well-known member
I have my lip pierced.
I've had it for a couple years now, but I usually just take the sucker out while I do my makeup & put it back in afterward.
If you do a labret piercing, I'd suggest wearing a stud [when it heals!!] if you want to wear lipstick