Fake Gorgeous Gold on MUA??


Well-known member
it definately looks like a fake to me..the pan doesn't look right and neither does the little clasp thing at the front where you open the shadow.


Well-known member
if it is, its a pretty good one...its hard to say. I have some e/s that i have bought from mac & the label isn't completely centered either


Well-known member
i dont get what you mean about "squared-ish" it looks round to me, and labels aren't always perfectly centered. i would say it's real.


Well-known member
It doesn't strike me as being fake. It looks a bit darker than Gorgeous Gold is in person, but when I take pictures of my e/s, they look darker in the pics. So, it's probably just the camera making it look weird.

As for the labels, they're not always centered. I've got a few that are off-center, and I bought them at a counter.


Well-known member
It's definitely genuine. If you adjust the brightness and contrast of the pictures you'll see the familiar shape of the shadow pot and also just be able to make out the raised lettering underneath the pot which is 90º rotated from where the hinge is. Fake shadows never have this lettering. I can also just make out the batch code of A64 on the base. Even machines can have bad days sticking labels on!