Fake Mac LOTS OF images!


Active member
I am against selling fake mac! Firstly it is illegal! I'm against selling it and not saying it is fake If people want to buy replica mac then they can Although I do not like the way people are mislead to buying fake mac when they think its real

Information about fake mac:

Ok, fake mac is very popular in Asia, im asian and i know alot about where to buy fake mac and all about the products themselves
Here are a few tips about how to spot fake mac
There are many other brands they fake such as Chanel, Dior, Anna Sui, Bobbi Brown & Ysl. I am going to tell you about fake mac and what is fake and how to spot fake mac.

The eyeshadows that are fake are not exactly like mac and tbh nothing that is replica looks 100% like mac, they have to change it someway. The eyeshadows as soon as you see one you can tell its fake

First you look at the plastic. The fake one is a lot more shiny than the real one. The quality of the plastic is not as good either.


Fake mac You can tell theyre fake by looking at the shape & plastic Its just not great lol I mean lol the font is wrong and theres a plastic part you can see around the rim. just not great ey? They can be a little too thick(the font)


Open eyeshadow:
There is more than 1 design of fake mac eyeshadows There is this one where the eyeshdow part kinda sticks out, then theres this one where it goes inwards As you can see it looks soo different from the real one The fake one shines a lot more see?

The difference about the top is the text, the fake ones are a lot thicker. Also around the black plastic inside there is a line, quite obv line. Theyre fake. Also the plastic is not good quality.


The sticker is darker, black even, and the text is lighter than the real one. You could say its white. The Name of the eyeshadow should match the name on the box, also watch out for people who rip the sticker off, because sometimes they glue the bottom bit that opens. And then you could think that the item is real but used. Also the names on the fakes are usually Prismique and the finish is Lustre, though that doesnt even exist.The real one should have the name and finish.

blushers normally come in dark colours, like dark reds, dark pinks, dark oranges, browns. Sometimes they have a print and the most likely print is this one, with the 'barbie' head. This was taken from the barbie collection


When open its even more obv its fake. The black plastic part around the blusher is tilting upwards when the real one goes down.The plastic can be very shiny tooSometimes you may find that the blusher lifts up to reveal a brush and mirror. MAC HAS NEVER DONE THAT. So that is 100% fake


This is authentic, no brush and mirror and the blusher isnt sticking outwards


The packaging is weird too, the boxes do not have a name on them because normally they have the blusher name on the top of the box... also another thing i find funny is that the barcodes are not stickers they are actually printed onto the boxes..hehe funny ey? The back of the blusher will have a sticker though it will be a lot darker than an authentic one and the text will be a lot brighter. Normally the text says Powder Blush then thats fake. It should have the name of the blusher that matches the name on the box.

There are sooo many fake pigments They usually sell quite cheap aswell cause theyre wholesale. Maybe around $6. They arent easy to tell if their fake because the real pigments dont have much detail to copy from. Though sometimes you can tell, The thickness of the plastic, it is thicker all the way round And the text is thicker
Some sellers do some work and name every pigment
On the website it might be that exact name thats real, match the colour but really its all just a show and the item isnt real.

ALSO what you must remember is size!!! Sometimes it might be authentic! But at the price theyre selling it, it might only be a sample size of the pigment!

The fake pigments wont have the name on the bottom it will have a number, also the lid isnt flat inside, its very strange, its like a lid with a small hole that opens.


The lipsticks are a little like the blushers, there are mostly dark colours. Dark pinks, Dark reds, browns etc.

Dark colours, and you can tell theyre fake cause the shape of the lipstick is different. Real mac lipsticks have a more rounded lipstick, same for the packaging. The Plastic is shaped different. Real ones have a round pointyish top. Also the text is faaar too large and is thicker.Dont suddenly believe the seller if they say its authentic, cause they'd would say anything to sell their items.These were claimed to be authentic:

But theyre soo not authentic. Look at the bottom, there are closed packages and the mac sign is right in the middle, theyre fake cause mac dont do them. Also again the shape of the packaging is not round enough. For the lipsticks themselves another thing you need to look at is the quality, Look at the lipsticks around the number 10. You can see the streaks in them, thats fake. Also underneath they might have a sticker saying LUSTRE or a number. Lustre is the most used name for the fake lipsticks NOTE: ANY MAC WITH A NUMBER ON IS FAKE!!!

I hope that helped!!!
Here are some other images of fake makeup!!
Nars is becoming more and more popular!! becareful!


The one with NARS is fake

















How to spot a fake mac 187




Ok thanks! I hope this helped!!


Well-known member
wow thanks for this! i knew how to spot fake mac on ebay but not nars. i didn't even know they had fake nars out on the market!


Well-known member
Some of these pics are very familiar to me, many have been posted here before and the brushes I'm pretty sure belong to Risser (please correct me if I'm wrong!). I'm thankful for the guide but appropriate credit should be given to the authors/owners of the original information and photographs.


Well-known member
yes thanks for all the infomation. but if the images are taken from another site please edit to give the credit!

it really does suck having so much fake crap about


Active member
heya guys sorry but i dont actually remember where i got the images from
they were saved on my comp
i would have credited them if i knew where they were from

But some images there are mine
i hope this helped


I have a question about the 5th picture. I thought MAc eyeshadows are 1.3 not 1.5? The authentic one is showing 1.5 as well, am I wrong??

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Originally Posted by tragic137
I have a question about the 5th picture. I thought MAc eyeshadows are 1.3 not 1.5? The authentic one is showing 1.5 as well, am I wrong??

Most MAC eyeshadows are actually 1.5g but it depends on the finish. The Veluxe Pearl eyeshadows are only 1.3g. Then there are some others that are the Veluxe finish that are 1.35g (like Ingenue Blue & Intoxicate etc.).


Well-known member
Hi! Thanks for the pics!

I have a question about the brush picture and the stamp "JAPAN" . The one you have labeled as counterfeit actual looks like the real one to me and the one you have labeled as authentic looks like the counterfeit. Are you sure you didn't switch them by mistake??

Also, I'm the same as the others about the Nars. Are there any pics on here of comparisons to the real Nars palettes/blushes??

Thanks so much!


Well-known member
^^mimi_panda didnt take those pics, those pictures belong to Risser who is a member here and who posted that guide some time ago (for the 187). AFAIK Risser still has the guide on her blogspot as well. You can easily check there, she was very thorough

Risser also did a counterfeit NARS review, that was posted in the NARS section here on specktra, though it may be on her blogspot as well. HTH