Family electronics issues


Well-known member
It feels to me like my families’ lives are run by electronics, that our lives our centered around different ones.

Today I made a mistake; in my book it isn’t a massive mistake however in my families it seems to be a life-changing thing.

I borrowed my brother’s wii, for the day to take to my boyfriends with me because we wanted to try out a few games that he has over at the house. We left the house and the system plugged in not really thinking anything of it and when we came back his parents were playing on it, we didn’t really think it was a big deal. They told us at the end that there was an update and they pushed yes it was okay and then in the end the main screen looked different.

I don’t know anything about this thing; I hardly play on it besides using the balance board. But apparently some of the game data had been erased by mistake (which I would find out later)

So to make it up my boyfriend put a few new games on the system in hopes that it would make up for our error.

However upon arrival home it seems a grave mistake was made somewhere along the way different things were deleted or moved around I don’t really know or even understand. All I know is I’m getting yelled at for god knows what, and being told to fix it? And to me it’s like. Do I really look like I understand what happened enough to fix it?

But I do understand to offer an explanation, he has many different channels within the system and one of them was written poorly (the one that asked to be updated) and over wrote and messed up some of the data that was saved. Is the only thing we could come up with as well as supported by different websites on line. (which nobody would listen to about)

I really don’t know, I looked it all up and that’s really the only thing we could come up with.

I wouldn’t intentionally do anything to harm my brothers things, wither it be the data or the system its self.

I’ve tried explaining it many times to my brother (whom only involves my mum) and make her as a go between. I tried to have them even read what I found online with no luck. I was just told to make it right and make it better. I kept saying I would try and yet my mum kept saying I would. And I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I really don’t know, nor do I get it. I understand it was my fault sense I was taking care of it and I offered my apologies and got told that it wasn’t the right system (it was the right one as there are no others within the house) my brother was complaining about scratches and whatnot.

At this point the only solution I can offer is to buy him a new game (we already did a few) and try to make it better. Or to try and restore the data, but from all of the websites out there are saying there is no way to do it. Or last but not least is to buy him a new system and hopes he forgives.

I’m truly sorry and in a way I really do feel badly for what happened but in another way I’m just angry and upset that nobody believes me within my family and seems to honor video games above all else.

I have very strong feelings about them and I really don’t like games very much. (my dad is addicted to wow and my brother anything on the computer or his systems)

Some of the background story to this is, a few weeks ago I expressed a want to get my own system to have in my room, however my mum said its money for that or for clothing and well I would rather have things to wear then a game to play with as money for me is tight at the moment. I told her last week that I was going to get it that didn’t turn out because of what my mum said with the money. So what I believe they are thinking is that I switched them out? Which I really don’t understand why I would switch an old thing for a new thing like that.

I feel sick with guilt because it happened and because it was my fault, however its only a video game and its not the end of the world, however they make it feel like such.

What really upsets me is the fact that my brother doesn’t feel he can talk to me, and the fact that he needs to drag my mum into everything.

What also upsets me is that well my mum believes everything my brother says, it doesn’t matter if he is right or wrong. It doesn’t matter what he is saying, he just is right, and I’m always wrong. At least that’s how it feels to me, I don’t know from an outside perspective as I of course only have my own. But to me he’s the favored child (I’ve been having to work since I was 14 or 15 (almost 10 years) he’s never once held a job. I’ve had to be a full time student and this is the first year ever I have less then that, he just got into college and is only taking two courses. I would never have been allowed that.)

I know moving out is a key, however at this time money is tight (I’m only able to work part time) my boyfriend has been out of work for some time is looking. As soon as he finds I’m hoping that I can move out and no longer be at home. But in this economy who really knows.

As for this.. I really don’t know, all I know is that I need to get some rest and hopefully things will be more clear soon.

does anyone have any ideas on what I could do to help that are different thanks so much for even reading this rant it feels so good to get it off of my chest.

again thanks everybody who reads this and comments or doesn't comment, it just feels good to have somebody to talk to about this.