Family Portrait Makeup?


Active member
I'm getting family portraits taken and wanted to know what makeup I should wear.

I'm wearing a cream sweater with a red shirt underneath. I want something pretty and subtle but definitely not OTT.

Here is a picture of me for reference. I'm also an NC25. MAC products preferred.

Thank you!



Well-known member
Man you are really pretty!

Oh but anyway, I have recently learned this - don't risk getting washed out by wearing any cream with a SPF.


Well-known member
to be honest i would wear exactly what you have on in the picture becuz its so becoming on you! sooo pretty but i would wear a little more color on the lips, not intense or bold but more color so the lip doesnt look naked. no lipgloss becuz it would make the lips look wet. maybe a slight coral lipcolor with the same eyemakeup you have on in the pic. no sunscreen at least for that moment becuz it would peek through on a photo becuz of the flash, believe me i know becuz i did this for a family pic and was like damn it wtf is wrong with me!! lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeba
to be honest i would wear exactly what you have on in the picture becuz its so becoming on you! sooo pretty but i would wear a little more color on the lips, not intense or bold but more color so the lip doesnt look naked. no lipgloss becuz it would make the lips look wet. maybe a slight coral lipcolor with the same eyemakeup you have on in the pic. no sunscreen at least for that moment becuz it would peek through on a photo becuz of the flash, believe me i know becuz i did this for a family pic and was like damn it wtf is wrong with me!! lol.

I have to agree with makeba for the most part. Because you are going to wear warmer colors, try some warmer makeup, like maybe woodwinked on the eyes with some dark brown liner. And maybe a gold-ish highlighter or MSF on the cheeks with a sheer coralish lipstick. I wish I could do more specifc product recommendations, but I have found that what looks good on one person, can look attrocious on another. But I think any color with warm undertones and a smidgen of gold would look stunning!


Active member
Originally Posted by newagetomatoz
I have to agree with makeba for the most part. Because you are going to wear warmer colors, try some warmer makeup, like maybe woodwinked on the eyes with some dark brown liner. And maybe a gold-ish highlighter or MSF on the cheeks with a sheer coralish lipstick. I wish I could do more specifc product recommendations, but I have found that what looks good on one person, can look attrocious on another. But I think any color with warm undertones and a smidgen of gold would look stunning!

I do have woodwinked and a gold MSF, just have to buy a coral lipstick. I will definitely try out some looks and see what looks best! Thanks!!!


Well-known member
Your makeup looks great just the way it is

We did ours today and I wore a red turtleneck with Indianwood p/p as a lid base, painterly asa highlight base. Then Retrospeck as a highlight, Mulch on the outer lid, left the Indianwood as the inner lid. I darkened the crease and V with Black Tied and lined with Espresso and Bronze. I used Gold Spill as a highlight and Springsheen blush.

The colours turned really nice and warm on my face without being OTT like you said.