Favourite Combos


Well-known member
I know we have a few threads where we put up what we're wearing with pics etc but if I'm stuck for colour combos I know I can't really be bothered spending 20 minutes trolling through different threads trying to find something to inspire me. So I thought we could put up our tried and trusted fav MAC combos all in one place so it's easy to look through the one thread and get ideas for all occasions, colours etc.

Only one request to please keep it to MAC items purely because it's the one brand we all have the bulk of our product in and it will make replicating a combo so much easier. It doesn't just have to be eyeshadows either but will probably be the most common.

So to kick it off, my favs at the moment:

Neutral Eyes
Femme Fi - lid
Woodwinked - crease
Twinks - outer v
Shroom - brow

Silverthorn - lid
Scene - crease
Knight - outer v
Pincurl - brow
(looks nice with Way To Love lippy)

Pincurl - lid
Steamy - outer 2/3
Deep Truth - outer v
Vanilla - brow

More to come when I have time and can think a bit better


Well-known member
1 of my favs is

aquavert -lid
femme fi-brow or i just use ne cream color

sounds weird but they look really good together i got the idea from my fav ma


Well-known member
oh I'm having a hard time to come up with something that I'm happy with since lightening my hair!

My old go-to look was:

constructivist p/p
satin taupe on lid to just above crease
smut on outer v
shroom to highlight and inner corner.

since going blonde it's not cutting it for me though.

I love this site for quick ideas:

Eyeshadow Combinations | MacMakeup.net

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