feeding my addiction with Specktra!


Well-known member
Hi, Everyone!

My name is Tina and I'm soooo very excited to have found this site. It is completely wonderful and very informative. I've been a makeup lover for as long as I can remember, but I had a fear for going too "out there" (i.e. using only neutrals), but lately something happened...I rediscovered my love for cosmetics and have been going wild. I discovered tutorials on youtube and then the many, many blogs, vlogs out there of girls and guys sharing makeup techniques, tips, and product reviews. My husband and children probably think I've gone insane, except for my little chica. Amazing how informative a six year old can be about what is pretty and what is not. *L*

I've signed up for a MAC class in November. I'm excited and scared all at the same time...I've never done anything like this before. But I need to feed this addiction!


Well-known member
Glad to have you here, hope you have fun in your class tell us about it after it's done.