Feel Like I'm gonna Be sick


Well-known member
Me and some friends just came back from White Spot...I swear I will never go back there again..I had a chicken burger, bit in and started chewing, felt something weird in my mouth, long story short, I pulled out a LONG, I mean LONG black hair
I was seriously gagging. I cannot stand hair in my food, even my own hair, I will not finish it. I let the management know and I got the meal free..but still
:y uck:


Well-known member
EWWWWW..I swear I never, ever bite into something blindly. I always poke around it for a few minutes before biting into it. I HATE onions, so I'm usually searching for those, along with anything else I might find.

My brother once got a burrito with hair in it. He said the hair was so long, he kept pulling, and pulling. Gross!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
My brother once got a burrito with hair in it. He said the hair was so long, he kept pulling, and pulling. Gross!

Oh my god... I can't get this out of my head. *queasy*!!


Well-known member
Last night I made pork chops. (I really fail because I've been trying for the last few months to give up meat)... and me and my husband picked like 10 pig hairs out of them. They were *not* human hairs. They were thick and white short hairs.

I threw up.

*Edit* Forgot to say, I totally feel for you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SolarWhite
Last night I made pork chops. (I really fail because I've been trying for the last few months to give up meat)... and me and my husband picked like 10 pig hairs out of them. They were *not* human hairs. They were thick and white short hairs.

I threw up.

*Edit* Forgot to say, I totally feel for you.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by SolarWhite
Last night I made pork chops. (I really fail because I've been trying for the last few months to give up meat)... and me and my husband picked like 10 pig hairs out of them. They were *not* human hairs. They were thick and white short hairs.

I threw up.

*Edit* Forgot to say, I totally feel for you.

I knew there was a reason I don't eat swine...Thanks for keeping that in check for me !!! Everytime I need to not eat ...I'm coming to this thread..I may loose weight just reading it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SolarWhite
Last night I made pork chops. (I really fail because I've been trying for the last few months to give up meat)... and me and my husband picked like 10 pig hairs out of them. They were *not* human hairs. They were thick and white short hairs.

I threw up.

*Edit* Forgot to say, I totally feel for you.

Argh!!! That's terrible, sounds like a sign you're on the right track!


Well-known member
You know whats even more gross??

Drinking soda from a cup... and 1 minute later while i was drinking i felt this weird "object" on my tongue and .. it was a semi-small roach... I immdiately spit it out on the floor of the restaurant lol...


Well-known member
I found a rubber band in my burrito once, I was like man that cilantro is green, then I pulled out a rubber band. *gag*


Well-known member
omg I know how you feel. I had a cold stone ice cream and there was a very long curly piece of hair and it was dangling out of my mouth hanging down to my neck because of the ice cream was stuck on it as well. And when I pulled it out part of it was in my throat and the whole thing was just a slow motion of me trying to slowly take the hair out of my throat. GROSS!

I havent been to Cold Stone in years after that incident.


Well-known member
there's a restaurant in my area that on 2 different occasions we have found hair in the food. never going back, ever.
imagine getting a basket of chips & salsa with a long hair in it
and a corona with a lime wedge that has a lil short black hair kinda like after a man shaves, stuck to the side of the lime.

once i was helping my sis in law prepare some pig meat that we literally had to shave off the bristly hairs.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I knew there was a reason I don't eat swine...Thanks for keeping that in check for me !!! Everytime I need to not eat ...I'm coming to this thread..I may loose weight just reading it

makes me wanna go vegetarian!


Well-known member
I was at a popular coffee house waiting in line by a covered display of muffins, cookies and such. As I was standing there, I noticed there was a family of fruit flies or gnats having a party in there. *BLECK* At the same company, different location, I was told by an ex employee that they had a problem w/ MAGGOTS in the ice machine.