Finally! A job!


Active member
So I applied for a job at the cosmetics counter at the local Macy's and two days later I decided to go in just to scope it out.
When I got inside I immediately rushed to the Prescriptives counter since it was the first brand I ever knew, and my mom used to work at one of thier counters when she was my age.
Anywho, I started chatting with the woman that was working there and she asked for my name and number to let the manager know I came.
Fast forward two weeks, and here I am getting a call that the lovely lady I spoke to thought I was awesome and spoke wonders of me, and I'm a shoe in for the job!
The manager loved me and I'm going in for an formal interview tomorrow.
Wish me luck!!!


Well-known member
Good Luck!!! So great!! I hope everything works out for you...I'm sure it will, they sound very interested in you working there.


New member
Good Luck! The formal interview is pretty simple, it's the Talent Plus part of the interview you need to prepare yourself for. Be able to SELL YOUR-SELF!!!


Active member
I haven't done the Talent Plus yet, but the manager said that'll happen later to identify my strengths and weaknesses.
Either way, I got the job. I start Sunday.


Well-known member
^ Congratulations!!!! That's really awesome