Finding an MSF or Blush close to this color [Pic inside]


Well-known member
Hi all! I hope you are having a great week!

Ok so I am looking for an MSF or blush that is similar or really close to the color in the pictures. The thing is that color looks really nice on me as a bronzer but I have to mix 2 different blushes to achieve it and its really time consuming and many times it doesn't turn out right...
The pictures aren't great but I think you can get an idea...
Hope you guys can help me and thanks!





Well-known member
What is your skintone color? That is going to affect suggestions because I have a couple colors that look like that on me, but I may be lighter than you are.


Well-known member
I am an NC25/30 yellow undertone....

I am looking for MAC products since a I am building my MAC collection

I would prefer an MSF since I love those! Also what MSF would you recommend as a bronzer for my skintone? Maybe there's a color that suits me better than the one from the pictures..

Thanks a lot guys!


Well-known member
MSFs are usually not meant to be used as a bronzer, but on NC 25/30 MSF Warmed looks awesome, also as a bronzer. Also MSF Brunette. Both were limited edition, but maybe you can still find them somewhere.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
You might want to look at eyeshadows too. I'm not sure but think it's more likely to find an eyeshadow of that shade.


Well-known member
Susanne thanks a lot! I was looking at Brunette MSF but was wondering if it was too dark for me, but it is a really nice color! And I am a brunette jaja...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ILoveMakeup84
Thanks for all your answers! They are really helpful... I'll let you know which one I get

I second cheeky bronze. Right now Nordstrom has both Cheeky Bronze and Warm Blend for sale as part of a kit. You might want to check these out at counters to see if they swatch close to the color you're looking for. Best of luck!

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