fine lines at 23 =(


Well-known member
So I'm 23 and I've already got some fine lines under my eyes. =(

I know of the long-term healthy things I could be doing to help it: I don't smoke or do drugs, I rarely ever drink, I always get at least 7 hours of sleep. The only thing I could change is my diet and my water intake, which I'll work on in the near future (easier said than done, lol).

It's just that my concealer is creasing and settling into the lines. Is there anything I can use to smooth the lines out so I don't have to keep patting or rubbing my concealer throughout the day?

(I also wouldn't mind a rec. for a good eye cream either


Well-known member
The main culprit of fine lines is UV exposure, so using a cream with spf in it will help stop the appearance of lines from here on in. Also, don't go to tanning salons.


Well-known member
Could putting on a primer beforehand help? I use Smashbox but I'm not all to happy with it, but it's all I have till I get the MAC one for cheap (somehow..*lol*).


Well-known member
I am 24 and am having the same problem. Not really from UV exposure (though this contributes) but just more from genetics and the fact that I have big eyes and have always had some small creases under my eyes.
I have been using some Clinique creams over the past 6 months (Superdefense) and it is really helping.
In terms of the creasing, I hate this too! I use Select Moisturecover under my eyes, blend with a wedge sponge and set with Studio Fix. It works like a charm for me!



Well-known member
I'm pretty good about getting things with SPF and not spending too much time in the sun (my parents are island people, so tanning salons not necessary). I gotta get better about wearing sunglasses though. It probably helps right? I'm also looking into MAC's prep & prime eye but I don't even know if that's going to remedy my problem. LOL

Thanks for the tips guys!


Well-known member
if you have $50, try strivectin -sd (its the eye formula).. i had minimal lines and they have been cut down and way less visible.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by asteffey
if you have $50, try strivectin -sd (its the eye formula).. i had minimal lines and they have been cut down and way less visible.

oh wow, how long does one bottle last?


Well-known member
I've had a bit of luck in this department by using an eye serum and then putting a gentle enough moisturiser on top to 'seal' it in. In fact, I may have to buy some more eye serum soon, drat. You just pat the oil under your eyes with your ring finger, at night time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mandirigma
oh wow, how long does one bottle last?

good question. I've had it a semester and still have more than 1/2 left. you should check out reviews. they should give you a more multifarious representation of the positive benefits i've experienced. It is expensive, but it really works. you only use a tiny tiny amount 1-3x a day (i do it three times because im paranoid like that) and it won't shift your makeup. they have a website too

i have the body formula too. it made stretch marks on my boobs disappear almost in a month.


Well-known member
Something you may want to take into consideration is what type of concealer you're using - when I first started using MAC I started using Studio Finish, and it was so heavy & dry that it creased and accentuated any little lines I had - lately I've been using Select Moisturecover and haven't had as many frustrations.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mspixieears
I've had a bit of luck in this department by using an eye serum and then putting a gentle enough moisturiser on top to 'seal' it in. In fact, I may have to buy some more eye serum soon, drat. You just pat the oil under your eyes with your ring finger, at night time.

Thought about this too... I've read some good reviews on an eye serum by Burt's Bees, so I might look into it. Thanks!

Originally Posted by bottleblack
Something you may want to take into consideration is what type of concealer you're using - when I first started using MAC I started using Studio Finish, and it was so heavy & dry that it creased and accentuated any little lines I had - lately I've been using Select Moisturecover and haven't had as many frustrations.

Gah... I just got Studio Finish again. I'm gonna try to use up more of this before getting Select Moisturecover. I wanted to try that but the guy recommended Studio Finish for my dark circles instead and I'd forgotten why I ditched this concealer before. Oh well. Thank you for the recommendation though. I'm going into Select Moisturecover next time!


Ok so I use this brand I recently found called vital radiance. It's marketed towards older women, I'm only 21 but it helps to soften lines, and decrease the look of your pores. Also the foundation doesn't settle into lines like most. It's pricey at least to me. Like 20$ I found it at the local Walgreens and Sav on. Hope this helped.