Fine lines


Well-known member

Im in my early 30s and have noticed a lot of fine lines appearing around my eyes and really want to to make them less noticable.
Is there any products you recomment(eye creams etc) or treatments that you recommend.



Well-known member
I use neova eye cream, I also hears Shisedo & kinerase eye creams are very good as well.
I swear by Neova skin care line. I would aslo get glycolic peels 1x a month. (It's what I do).
Speak to your derm dr.
If you lived in NY I would refer someone to you


Well-known member
Zinc and titanium based sunscreen. Its the only product that really prevents wrinkles, and its moisturizing and safe enough for babies.


Well-known member
I was getting micro fine lines and started using Mario Badescu collagen moisturizer by reccomendation from a counter person at Naimies. It replenished the area and my skin is pretty much flawless.

Stri Vectin I use but not religiously and that also works.

I used to get micro dermabrasion when I was younger, around 25 but have not been since. My esthetician always commented in me never having wrinkles and how nice my skin was. She was taken back that I had no forehead wrinkles.

I wear sunblock if I am going out doors. Mario Badescu has SPF 15 and I use something stronger if I am going to be in the sun all day, B Kamins sunbar.


Active member
I would try Eyeslices. They are really great! They alleviate dark circles, puffiness, and soreness. They are reusable and are only $20!