Finish this sentence. I wish MAC would...


Well-known member
...let you get a free lipstick OR a free eye shadow with Back to MAC. (I am always tempted by the new eye shadows that seems to come out so often.)

...bring out a set of mini lipsticks with the holiday sets again like they did a few years ago.

...would have more knowledgeable MA's or at least MA's who were not stingy with info about upcoming color stories. (Maybe hire some knowledgeable Specktra members!)

...would make their Holiday palettes bigger like they were for Holidazzle (2003).

...would make a shimmery yellow pot eye shadow (like Chrome Yellow, but with a little sparkle in it).


Well-known member
... offer discounts for purchases over a certain amount! Like getting a free e/s or lipglass for every purchase over $100!

... offer starter kits with a lipglass, a e/s, a mascara and an eye kohl!

... would hire me!

... would do a credit card plus an owners discount!


Well-known member
...wait to release a colorstory every 3 months, becuase every month is VERY costly...

....hire me..


Well-known member
I would love to see MAC bring out a shimmery red eye shadow.


Well-known member
.... have a Frequent Buyer discount for those who don't have a PPID card.

.... post real swatches on their website

.... have a virtual makeover for some of their "looks" -wouldn't that be fun,...

.... Allow you to switch unwanted colors from their Pre-Made quads

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I second VuittonVictim wish "... offer discounts for purchases over a certain amount! Like getting a free e/s or lipglass for every purchase over $100!" Lets make it $65.00

Yes MAC Girl, I agree "...wait to release a colorstory every 3 months, becuase every month is VERY costly..."

I wish MAC would... have an archive w/actual color swatches of all of their limited edition & discontinued items.



Well-known member
-GWP, samples, freebies, permanent minis
-the starter kit was a great suggestion
-More Pro stores in other major metro areas


Well-known member GWP sales

...make their website swatches more accurate

...have a new collection of JUST sought after items, like parrot, coco beach, so ceylon msf, etc...

...carry pigments at the counters


Well-known member
Do gift with purchases every so often

Put a clear lid on the 15 pan

Release a color story of past popular shades

Release 1/2 sizes of pigments and sell them at 1/2 the full size pigment prices.


New member
... Lower Their Prices
... Have Sales
... Hire Me (wow, A Lot Of Ppl Wanna Get Hired)
... Come Out With Sets That Are A Bit Cheaper Than Buying Each Item On Their Own.
I Cant Think Of Anything Else Right Now... But I Will Edit!


Have better color swatches on their site
And like others have said, I would love to see a red shimmery e/s


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glittergoddess27

.... post real swatches on their website

.... have a virtual makeover for some of their "looks" -wouldn't that be fun,...


That are two very nice ideas:

Of course they should also hire me
AND they should really really have a store in Belgium!!!!!!!


Well-known member
A lot of great ideas already...

~hire me too :p

~re-release Parrot at some point (or hey, what a novel idea... make it permanent!

~also re-release the Brass and Bronze pigments...

~the clear lid on the 15 pan is a good one too.

~GWP... but I hesitate because that would truly mean EL has taken over and I like MAC's individualism

~for B2M, let you choose between a few different items like a l/s, l/g, e/l, e/s (within a certain price limit).

~I'm *still* looking for the perfect nude l/s... something a smidge lighter than Moderne with more pigment might be it.


Well-known member
-Come out with a purple version of Deep Truth. Everything they have is either too matte, too pink, or too bright/light.

-Make THE perfect pink lipliner. Lighter than Dervish, less greyish than Test Pattern, less chalky than Girlfriend.

-Release a perfect shimmery silvered taupe Veluxe Pearl. Something similar to Shimma paint, maybe a touch less grey.

-Make a gunmetal grey Fluidline.

-Hurry up and re-stock Moisturefeed/Skin!


Well-known member out their collections more.

Luckily I am only obsessed with their lipglasses, if not I can imagine myself being made bankrupt by MAC.