first EOTD posting on Specktra


Active member
Hi all- my first EOTD posting on Specktra- I used Zonk Bleu, Satellite Dreams, and Stars N Rockets. Lucky Green to line. Totally forgot the name of the highlight shadow- it's the new white one from Idol Eyes. Hypnose mascara.




Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
Man, these colors are amazing on you. Great choice of colors and excellent blending. That flash of green on the bottom is dope!
Oh, and welcome to Specktra!!!!! Can't wait for more FOTD's from ya!


Well-known member
I would never have tought of using those colors together but it looks great so I'm gonna try this tomorrow.


Well-known member
What a fabulous combination, I would never have thought of putting Lucky Green with the colours you chose. But it really works, I look forward to seeing for fabulous combos from you, and maybe a full face shot too


New member
awwwwwwwwwww It's my eye twin!
I don't go on MUA much and I think I always miss them when you post on LJ. Happy to have you here!!

You did a lovely job as always!!


Active member
LOLLLL @ eye twin! Why are you not on MUA much anymore? I might start posting here more often, but it depends on how much time I have to do my m/u in the morning.
As for a full face shot........I'm still pretty shy, and not quite so photogenic, but if something comes out good, I'll post it.