First ever FOTD

dangerous missa

Active member
After receiving my new Nikon D50 for Christmas, I figured I should stop lurking and actually contribute something to the community! I've been doing pink and purple looks since lingerie came out and today, I thought I'd try something different. Constructive criticism is welcome, compliments and comments about how young I look for my age are VERY welcome!!!






Now, for what I used (all MAC unless otherwise noted)...

Bare Canvas base, melon pigment on lid, coco beach pigment on outer lid and crease, rose pigment lightly to soften inner crease, naked pigment to blend and highlight browbone, lined rims with blacktrack fluidliner, lined eyes with rich ground fluidliner, clear brow gel, DiorShow mascara

Prep and Prime skin, NW20 concealer lightly all over face, more on blemishes, Ben Nye loose powder, Stereo Rose on cheeks, Belightful IPP lightly under eyes

Dervish liner, little pink gloss (pro), lots of reflects gold glitter (pro)

I know my nose is a bit flaky. I've got a cold, and I just can't help that. The cold is why I'm not wearing lipstick as well, I don't want to contaminate anything that isn't easily cleanable. And I know I've got random zits. I thought I was supposed to outgrow them?!? I just turned 30, I shouldn't have to deal with them!!! ARGH!!!!

Any suggestions, and helpful comments are welcome!!!

dangerous missa

Active member
Thank you all so much for your kind words! I'm going to have to start posting around here more, you are all so nice, and I've learned so much from everyone!!!

Now all I need is some natural sunlight to get pictures. Today was the first time the sun has been out here in SE Michigan since December 19th!


Well-known member
I don't think anyone could find anything to critique you about, it looks so good! That is such a pretty, natural look.
