First rude comment about my love of makeup :(


Well-known member
So I've heard stories on here where people have had people say rude things to them about not needing makeup to cover up their flaws and Sunday evening some one said something that just made my heart drop.

I was at movie night w/ my youth group and I had brought my eyeshadow pallete and a few brushes to do my friends' makeup. I was about to do my friend Sephanie's makeup when this girl comes up and told me that she didnt think Stephanie needed makeup becouse she is beatiful enough on her own and that people only wear makeup to cover up their uglyness. Then she raises her voice and said, "What are YOU trying to cover up on your self Hannah?"


Well-known member
Wow! I cant believe she said that! Seems to me that if she has the nerve to say that to you, she shouldn't be in a youth group. We all know that makeup is just an accessory, not a necessity. It accentuates the beauty that we all have, and doesn't cover it up. Cheer up, because we all know that what she said to you was not true.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HappyHannah
I was about to do my friend Sephanie's makeup when this girl comes up and told me that she didnt think Stephanie needed makeup becouse she is beatiful enough on her own and that people only wear makeup to cover up their uglyness. Then she raises her voice and said, "What are YOU trying to cover up on your self Hannah?"

Umm well if she thinks so, everyone in showbiz has to be ugly because THEY'RE WEARING MAKEUP!

Argh I can't stand people like that! I mean it's OK to show that you have something that called opinion
but you don't have to show it like that!

Back to MAC


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
We all know that makeup if just an accessory, not a necessity. It accentuates the beauty that we all have, and doesn't cover it up.

This is exactly how I feel about makeup! I always say to my friends that it's like fixing your hair...sure, you don't have to, but you like to! It's not like you're doing it to cover up how ugly your hair is (hehe, unless you're like me and too lazy to straighten it), you just do it because you want to.

I'm sorry you had to experience people's ignorance like that...I've had a number of people make similar comments to me, and it's always so strange and I'm never really sure how to react! I've mentioned this before, but one of my classmates said something like that about me on her blog (didn't have the guts to say it to my face, I guess), and I was just flabbergasted! Luckily, on specktra, we all understand and support each others makeup addiction, so you can always come here to not be judged by meanies!


Well-known member
like moonrevel said, it's just as "silly" as say, getting your hair done... picking out certain clothes and outfits for certain occasions etc... PEOPLE CARE ABOUT HOW THEY LOOK! i dont care who you are!

makeup is also an artistic hobby. some people find gratification out of making faces. either on themselves or other people. no one NEEDS makeup. so when people say "oh so and so doesnt need makeup" it is true. but hell no one needs it anyway. its just a preference.

i dunno but when people make comments to me like that i always come correct with a smart ass comment back... not one that neccessarily puts the person down, but one to put her in her place and make her shut up.


New member
Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
Wow! I cant believe she said that! Seems to me that if she has the nerve to say that to you, she shouldn't be in a youth group. We all know that makeup if just an accessory, not a necessity. It accentuates the beauty that we all have, and doesn't cover it up. Cheer up, because we all know that what she said to you was not true.

ITA!!!!!!!!!!! Well put Dreamergirl3!

As for that gal, I would have told her to mind her own business! Of course when I was younger and if I was in a bad mood I would have probably said more things and picked on her looks until she left crying but now I would have simply told her to keep her opinions to herself and for that matter get a bit more "education" on makeup because it wouldn't her to wear any.

People like that tick me off! She has some nerve!

Just ignore her! What a witch!


Well-known member
Thank you everybody for your replys. I just couldnt believe that someone would say that. I was speachless. I mean, I have never done anything to her, and like one of you lady's said, what is she doing in a youth group with that kind of attitude.

Now I'm just worried about next sunday. What do I say if she makes another rude remark about my makeup? I dont want to say anything too mean becouse thats realy not my character but I dont want to just sit there and take it like last time. (as you can tell I'm not that good with confrontation lol)


Well-known member
oh whatever. makeup is to emphasize your features. thats it =] its not to cover up any uglyness. whatever.


Well-known member
if she tells you something like "oh makeup is just for people who want to cover something up..." just say "ya thats what insecure people like to think


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HappyHannah
So I've heard stories on here where people have had people say rude things to them about not needing makeup to cover up their flaws and Sunday evening some one said something that just made my heart drop.

I was at movie night w/ my youth group and I had brought my eyeshadow pallete and a few brushes to do my friends' makeup. I was about to do my friend Sephanie's makeup when this girl comes up and told me that she didnt think Stephanie needed makeup becouse she is beatiful enough on her own and that people only wear makeup to cover up their uglyness. Then she raises her voice and said, "What are YOU trying to cover up on your self Hannah?"

awwww....I've heard that before,:::my sister said that same comment, last week!:::: I think its silly to say that- I think if you do want a nice polished look you must have the total package and if you are in designer clothes- fancy hair, accessories and NO makeup you don't have the whole look. I wouldn't take it to heart, its just a bitchy comment -- remember women are bitchy..... I would have said I'm not covering up "I'm emphasizing my best features"


Well-known member
I take offense to things liek this, becuase as a makeup artist i feel as though makeup is an accesory as stated above, its not only for getting pretty reasons but i t covers that black eye yo uhave or that big pimple you hate or exentuates your big blue eyes or nice shapley lips. Makeup rescued me, i went thru depression of all sorts and everytime i could turn to makeup i knew it was going to be ok, it was something that i was good at, it was soemthing i knew. For anyone who says makeup is for ugly people....they are the ones who are ugly on the inside.


Well-known member
You could try pointing out that makeup is artistic self-expression, and not necessarily about covering up flaws. But yeah, what a camel. Don't take her comments to heart. Sounds like she doesn't have much imagination.


Well-known member
pretty much all my "friends" have said that to me at least once.

needless to say..i dont have many friends anymore


Well-known member
Wow. She sounds judgmental and self-righteous. If she approaches you again, just ignore her. People like that aren't worth the attention they're trying to get, and she'll just look stupider trying to insult someone who isn't going to respond.


Well-known member
And that is when you say, " Honey there aint enough makeup in the world to hide your flaws....oh and that zit, yeah you may need to do something about that-youre SO is starting to get grossed out..."