Fix+. Is it not just glorified water?

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Well-known member
I know a lot of people use Fix+, and sometimes I feel like buying a bottle. But then I wonder what it is good for, and if it's not just really, REALLY expensive water.
What does Fix+ do? How do you use it? I know some spray it on their face to "set" their make up but I'd just be afraid to make a mess out of everything. I need a Fix+ 101


Well-known member
I use it to set my makeup and refresh it throughout the day. My skin is a little dry, so I like to use it before I apply my moisturizer. I understand where you're coming from, though - I thought it was kinda stupid to pay that much $$ for some water, but I'm on my 2nd bottle and will continue to buy more!


Well-known member
There's an interesting thread about Fix+ here.

I had some of the same doubts as you but was heartened by reading about the different ways various people use it, so I gave it a try. I use it every day now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ritchieramone
There's an interesting thread about Fix+ here.

Please post your inquiry in the existing thread, thanks.
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