Fluidline on the Waterline and/or Fluidline Causing Eye Sensitivity


Active member
I'm so bummed, I just bought a blacktrack and lithograph fluidline and I seem to wake up with puffy eyes the next morning - anyone else had this problem?


Well-known member
Are you washing it off really well? Maybe some residue is being left behind and getting into your eyes while you sleep? I love the fluidlines because they are one of the few things that don't irritate my eyes.


I had a reaction with just testing Blitz and Glitz on the back of my hand. However, I have no problems with Delphic, Nightfish, Macroviolet or Haunting...go figure.


Well-known member
I never have reactions to MAC, and I always take my makeup off at night. But....last week I fell asleep while I was watching TV in bed before I got a chance to take off my makeup (which included fluidline). I woke up the next morning and my eyes were soooooooo bloodshot. I mean completely red! I made my husband go to the drugstore to buy Visine. I figured the clerk would think I was stoned and I would die of embarassment.

I wear the fluidlines every day and never have a problem. It was just that one time I forgot to take it off.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SugarstarMAC80
I'm so bummed, I just bought a blacktrack and lithograph fluidline and I seem to wake up with puffy eyes the next morning - anyone else had this problem?

Are you using it on your waterline?

Do you wear contacts?

What brush do you use?


Well-known member
I have no problems with gel e/l, but I seem to be allergic to all MAC e/s (except the mineralized *knocks on wood*). Have you tried gel e/l before? If it's your cleanser/makeup remover, I would try removing it with jojoba oil.


Well-known member
Maybe you don't notice it, but could you possibly just be rubbing your eyes too vigorously to remove the fluidline?


Active member
Hmmm.... well I did find it hard to remove. I'm find with the Kohls and pretty much everything else MAC (knock on wood), but I do have allergies to some other brands, so this is nothing particularly new.

I don't wear contacts, so I'm just assuming perhaps it just doesn't agree with me, or I didn't remove enough of it.

I'm a tad dissappointed but have sold them to someone on Livejournal so I'm not totally out the money.


Well-known member
I used my new Blitz n' Glitz once last week, and my eyes were sore after using it. Within a day this turned into full blown allergic conjunctivitis, and I suspect the Blitz n' Glitz was to blame

I only used it on my upper lashline, and removed it thoroughly. I use Stila smudgepots all the time with no problems, so I think it is specific to this for me. I have 3 more F/Ls coming - I hope I'm OK with them


Well-known member
Gel eyeliner = a MAC Fluidline, a Stila Smudgepot, Bobbie Brown gel pots, etc etc etc.

MissWillow, was it an allergic reaction, a mechanical irritation or conjuctivitis? The three have similar symptoms (redness, itching, dry sensation, weeping, pus) but are totally different things - one is a localised irritated reaction to an allergen, one is foreign objects scratching the eye surface and the other is a bacterial infection. The FL could have only caused conjunctivitis if a worker at the factory was carrying the bug and contaminated the product, but more likely that in the last couple of days you had come into contact with someone who has conjunctivitis (a shop assistant with an infection who rubbed their eyes and then handed you some change, etc). A mechanical reaction is more likely, possibly to the gold particles in Blitz & Glitz washing down into the eye itself when removing your make-up or being sweated down. MAC Fluidlines are more or less identical in chemical composition to Stila's smudge pots which you've never had a problem with, so an allergic reaction isn't likely. Patch-test the other Fluidlines you have coming, particlarly if they're matte like Blacktrack, and see if you have a reaction to them.

(sorry for the lecture; I tend to write a novel on topics like this because I always have clients in my chair who swear to death that they're terribly allergic to Product X, when careful questioning usually reveals that they're trying to line their eyes with lipliner or putting mascara on their waterlines.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
(sorry for the lecture; I tend to write a novel on topics like this because I always have clients in my chair who swear to death that they're terribly allergic to Product X, when careful questioning usually reveals that they're trying to line their eyes with lipliner or putting mascara on their waterlines.

HA! HA! You're hilarious!!! I can't stop laughing. Some people!


Well-known member
It was an allergic reaction (puffy & red eye) which thent turned into allergic conjunctivitis according to the doc (not bacterial or viral). To be honest though, I don't know how allergic conjunctivitis differs from an allergy that includes the conjunctiva :confused:

I'm going to try the Blitz n' Glitz again, to test it. But I'm wondering if there is something in the dark dye that I've reacted to, or if its the glitter and I have to be extremely careful in removing it (getting back to the 'mechanical irritation' theory
). I haven't reacted to my other F/Ls or smudgepots, and I know the base formula is very similar.

Originally Posted by lara
MissWillow, was it an allergic reaction, a mechanical irritation or conjuctivitis? The three have similar symptoms (redness, itching, dry sensation, weeping, pus) but are totally different things - one is a localised irritated reaction to an allergen, one is foreign objects scratching the eye surface and the other is a bacterial infection. The FL could have only caused conjunctivitis if a worker at the factory was carrying the bug and contaminated the product, but more likely that in the last couple of days you had come into contact with someone who has conjunctivitis (a shop assistant with an infection who rubbed their eyes and then handed you some change, etc). A mechanical reaction is more likely, possibly to the gold particles in Blitz & Glitz washing down into the eye itself when removing your make-up or being sweated down. MAC Fluidlines are more or less identical in chemical composition to Stila's smudge pots which you've never had a problem with, so an allergic reaction isn't likely. Patch-test the other Fluidlines you have coming, particlarly if they're matte like Blacktrack, and see if you have a reaction to them.

(sorry for the lecture; I tend to write a novel on topics like this because I always have clients in my chair who swear to death that they're terribly allergic to Product X, when careful questioning usually reveals that they're trying to line their eyes with lipliner or putting mascara on their waterlines.



Well-known member
I use blitz & glitz almost daily, waterline and tightline (eh, I know I shouldn't because of the glitter but its pretty!). when I first started using it though my eyes got puffy the next morning and such.

in my personal experience, I was rubbing my eye too much when taking it off in the evening and it actually pushed the glitter into my eye and irritated the general area.

I've found that soaking a cottan pad in eyemakeup remover, and then leaning over the sink and holding it over my eye for 20 seconds or so, works well. leaning over the sink keeps the ickyness from washing back into my eye, and holding the remover on it makes it wipe away easier and hence, less rubbing and less irritation!

when I first got Graphic Brown I didn't think anything of it and took it off like I did my other fluidlines that don't have glitter in it. and of course, woke up with puffy eyes.

damn glitter - so pretty, but such a pain in the ass!


Well-known member
I hope this is the case, and it was a reaction caused by irritation - I can try and fix that with how I remove it! And thanks for the warning about Graphic Brown - thats coming to me soon

Originally Posted by scrapbookromance
I use blitz & glitz almost daily, waterline and tightline (eh, I know I shouldn't because of the glitter but its pretty!). when I first started using it though my eyes got puffy the next morning and such.

in my personal experience, I was rubbing my eye too much when taking it off in the evening and it actually pushed the glitter into my eye and irritated the general area.

I've found that soaking a cottan pad in eyemakeup remover, and then leaning over the sink and holding it over my eye for 20 seconds or so, works well. leaning over the sink keeps the ickyness from washing back into my eye, and holding the remover on it makes it wipe away easier and hence, less rubbing and less irritation!

when I first got Graphic Brown I didn't think anything of it and took it off like I did my other fluidlines that don't have glitter in it. and of course, woke up with puffy eyes.

damn glitter - so pretty, but such a pain in the ass!



Well-known member
Does Fluidline irritate anyone elses eyes?

It irritates my eyes by the end of the day. does this happen to anyone else? I could also just be applying it to close to my eye


Well-known member
Re: Does Fluidline irritate anyone elses eyes?

I havent had any issues. But i dont use it for my lower lashes


Well-known member
Re: Does Fluidline irritate anyone elses eyes?

I haven't had any problems with the ones I have. Out of curiosity, is it a brand new fluidline? There is a chance it may be your brushes too, somehow. Just trying to narrow down the problem. =T


Well-known member
Re: Does Fluidline irritate anyone elses eyes?

I am using a stila angled brush. I have only used it a couple of times but I can try washing it. Its not a brand new fluidline I bought it like a month or two ago


Well-known member
Re: Does Fluidline irritate anyone elses eyes?

I was asking about the fluidline to make it wasn't a used one you were using, so good news on that front. =) As for the brush, yeah, try washing it. Did you wash it after you bought it? Other than that... maybe it's something else entirely that's bugging your eye. Try using a different liner for a few days to see if there's any difference.

My eyes have started bothering in the last few months and I thought it was my Fluidline too, but it wasn't. Still can't pin down the source, but it's a strange itch, as it's just my eyelids, not my eyes! I want to dig my nails under the lids and scratch for all its worth (but of course I don't do that!). I find it acts up when I wash my face, mainly b/c I rub my eyelids, irritating whatever's there. I did some net searching and one girl blogged about it, saying Nizoral helped (either cream or shampoo, don't remember, but shampoo would STING like crazy!). Many ppl replied (300+) stating the same symptoms I laid out, with hydrocortizone relieving a bit of the itch but not curing it. Quite a few tried Nizoral both cream and shampoo and most of them got results.

I'm not endorsing this method, and no doctor would diagnose yeast to be an issue in the eye, but I thought I'd just lay out what I've found. My doctor won't prescribe Nizoral cream to me and I'm not desperate enough to try the shampoo (thsoe who tried it usually suffered with the symptoms for 2+ years). I tried anti-bacterial drops but those just make it worse and definitely don't cure. The best help I've had (hydro-c is...meh) is applying a very minty/fiery balm below my brow bones to distract me from the itch. Best way for me to get sleep from my itchy eyes. =/

Sorry so long, but if your issue is the same as mine, I know it's a frustrating problem to deal with!

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