fluidline or paint


Well-known member
what do you mean by this? fluidlines and paints are technically for different uses. fluidlines are specifically marketed as a gel/liquid eyeliner, whereas paints are marketed as shadows/shadow bases. both, however, can be used as a base. generally, though, for a base, neither is as good as shadesticks and urban decay primer potion are. paints and fluidlines both tend to crease, and most of the paints don't enhance color as much, because they aren't as vibrant to begin with (with a few exceptions..)


Well-known member
I use both of these as bases, and they typically don't crease on me, and I have oily lids. I agree with bellaetoile, that the shadesticks are much better because they come in more vibrant colors and make your shadows really pop.

I like bare canvas paint all over the eye area as a primer, and then I use a second base, like a fluidline or shadestick to give the e/s extra oomph!


Well-known member
for me, paints. but for some reason, only the *more* matte ones do, like untitled. the really sheer ones like shimma, not so much. for me, fluidline as a base is too sheer as well...try shadesticks!