Fluidline vs Kohl? MAC n00b here

Jeslyn of Doom!

Active member
I'm debating.
I've been planning my big after x-mas MAC maul (EDIT: haha I totally didn't catch that. It's supposed to say haul, although maul could work...) (and collection starter) for weeks now, and I'm very torn between Blacktrack Fluidline and Smolder Kohl. Basically I'm just looking for some pros/cons.... I'm big on the dramatic, bright, unnatural look. I'm leaning towards the Fluidline but I don't know if I'd be able to get it on right. Is the MAC eyeliner brush an absolute necessity or will any skinny brush do? Also, will it blend to achieve a smudgy look if wanted? Another thing keeping me from the Kohl is that it hurts me inside to pay 13.50 for a pencil because I'm notorious for breaking them until they're nubs... but the Kohl look sounds very enticing. Maybe some Smolder lookalikes that can be found among your common Wally World cosmetics? I know it's a lot to ask but this is really bugging me. x_x Thanks a million you guys~ <33



Well-known member
I think these products are totally different!! IMO, the fluidline works great for smoky eyes, smolder does too, but its a little harder to blend. Fluidlines are buttery and seriously fool proof. They are more like eye shadow than eyeliner, but can be used both ways with the right brushes. I thought they were more for the experienced artists, but they are easy to apply and spread around. I use them with my pencil brush and am very pleased with it. You could get a cheapo black eyeliner easier than getting fluidlines..So you should definately try the fluidlines. I hope this helps!

Jeslyn of Doom!

Active member
Thanks a lot for the help, pumpkincat210!
That's exactly what I wanted to know.


Well-known member
Fluidlines are my favorite, you can wear them all day and they never spread- (with most liners I tend to get a raccoon look by midafternoon) - I tried the fluidlines - now I have 8 of them. They are my favorite mac product overall. They do take some getting used to but really they are great :) If I want a more smudged look I top over the fluidline with shadow.


Well-known member
OK I don't have blacktrack but I have a few other fluidline colors. I DO have Smoulder.

Smoulder has a nice look. It can have a very smoky effect . However it can be very smeary and crumbly if you're not careful. It's the darkest black out there but I don't know that it's worth the $13.50.

Fluidlines are great. You have to practice to get the hang of them.

They are very much different looks. The pencil is more natural-ish to me.


Well-known member
Fluidlines I heartily recommend - you do need a steady hand but they won't budge once on which is why I gave up on kohls. loved the colours but they would bleed and smear and make me look so tired and...well, awful. The MAC brush isn't essential - I use my UD brow/liner one and it's great. It's slanted which seems to help me heaps.


Well-known member
wow ive been smolder user for sometime and have been scared to try to fluidline, i am going to get my ass into the shower and run to mac.

if u do want a pencil eventually, id have to smolder is pretty awesome, i tried a "good" boujouris pencil from sephora and bought it but it didnt hold up as well as smolder but ehhhh sounds like i will be the next fluidline convert!


Active member
fluidlines are your friend.

if you really dig that smokey look, you could always use a cheap eye kohl over top of the fluidline.


Well-known member
Fluidlines are easy to use, even for someone as notoriously bad at eyeliner application as myself. Kohls, I don't like, because to me they're too smudgy and they have no lasting power. If it's a pencil you want, the Powerpoints are better.


Well-known member
i have both the fluidline and the kohl pencil and i do find that the FL gives a more even and steady line than pencils but i did find and i still do find the FL's quite difficult to use! I think a good brush is absolutely needed for FL application as you'll find that it gives you a rather unevenly textured and balanced line otherwise! For a smokey eye, both will actually do you justice- though the FL does last longer on